Patient Rights & Responsibilities

The most important thing you can do to ensure good care and prevent medical errors is to be an active partner in your own healthcare. You have a right to ask questions of anyone involved in your care — and we encourage you to do so. Make a list of your symptoms and any questions you have to ask the doctor or nurse. Take notes (or have a family or friend do so) when medical personnel talk to you to help you remember. And you should feel very free to speak up if you have any questions or concerns.

+Patient Rights

Hospital patients in New York State have certain rights and responsibilities. The state and federal governments require that all hospital patients in New York State be given certain information and materials when admitted to a hospital. Upon admission, you will receive a booklet outlining all such information. This booklet collects that information in one place, explains the rights of each hospital patient and contains advice for the patients on how best to get assistance. Keep this booklet for reference. Review it carefully and share the information with your family and friends involved in your care.

Click on the links below to access the information online.

“Your Rights as a Hospital Patient in New York State” is also available as a printable PDF. This document is also available in the following languages:
Spanish (PDF) , Russian (PDF) , Chinese (PDF) , Korean, (PDF) Creole (PDF)

The booklet is divided into two sections:

  • The first section of this booklet explains the rights of each hospital patient in New York State. It also contains a Glossary to help understand terms commonly used in the hospital.
  • The second section provides documents the law requires the hospital to provide to each patient while in a hospital in New York State.

+Patient Responsibilities

Just as patients have certain rights, you will also have certain responsibilities as a patient at Crouse Hospital. You must:

  1. Follow the rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct, including the no smoking policy.
  2. Give information about past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health.
  3. Tell your doctor or nurse if you are in pain; to ask what to expect regarding pain relief; and to talk with your doctor or nurse about any worries you may have about pain or pain medication.
  4. Cooperate with our staff, and to ask questions if you do not understand any instructions or information.
  5. Accept the responsibility of your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow your practitioner’s instructions.
  6. Be considerate of other patients, guests and hospital staff, and to see that your visitors are considerate as well.
  7. Keep your appointments or to call the hospital if you must postpone them.
  8. Follow the treatment plan you and your doctor make, and to report any changes in your condition.
  9. Take reasonable measures to protect your personal belongings.
  10. Be respectful of others’ property, and the property of the hospital.
  11. Fulfill the financial obligations of your healthcare.

At Crouse Hospital, it is our privilege to serve you. Your stay with us — and how you are treated, the type of care you receive from our healthcare team and how satisfied you are with that care and treatment — are very important to us.

As a patient, you can make your care safer by being an active, involved and informed member of your healthcare team. Research shows that patients who take part in decisions about their own healthcare are more likely to get better faster.

To help prevent healthcare mistakes, patients are urged to “Speak Up.” We’re pleased to provide the following information, which you may find helpful if you’re going to be a patient at Crouse Hospital or any healthcare facility:

Speak up if you have questions or concerns, and if you don’t understand something you’ve been told, ask again. It’s your body and you have the right to know.

Pay attention to the care you are receiving. Make sure you’re getting the right treatments and medications by the right healthcare professionals. Don’t assume anything.

Educate yourself about your diagnosis, the medical tests you are undergoing, and your treatment plan.

Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate.

Know what medications you take and why you take them. Medication errors are the most common healthcare mistakes.

Use a hospital, clinic, surgery center, or other type of healthcare organization that has undergone a rigorous on-site evaluation against established, state-of-the-art quality and safety standards, such as that provided by DNV.

Participate in all decisions about your treatment. Remember: You are the center of the healthcare team.

+Privacy and Confidentiality

As a patient at Crouse Hospital you have the right to physical privacy during medical treatment and personal hygiene functions, unless you need assistance. Crouse Hospital also ensures confidential treatment of information about you. Information in your records will not be released to anyone outside the hospital without your approval, unless required by law. Crouse Hospital uses and discloses protected health information for treatment, payment and operations and otherwise indicated in the Notice of Privacy Practices. As a patient, you will be asked upon admission to designate a person(s) who may receive information about your health status. The person(s) identified will be given a four-digit code and instructed that the code will be asked for when telephoning for information regarding your health status.

+Release of Information

Your privacy is very important to us. Upon admission you may request that your name not be included in the hospital patient directory. By doing so, your name and room number will not be made available to visitors or callers. In addition, Crouse Hospital will not deliver mail or flowers to your room, and upon discharge your mail will not be forwarded to your home. If you wish to change your status, please notify your nurse.