Care Coordination
Care Coordination is our quality commitment to you. Our team works with your physician, the healthcare team and your insurance company to make sure you receive the right care once you leave our hospital. We also provide psychosocial assessment and intervention for patients and families with social, psychological and/or environmental needs. These needs may be related to future or current admission, diagnosis, medical treatment and discharge.
Your medical team will work with you so you may leave the hospital as quickly as possible, but only when leaving will be more beneficial to you than continuing your stay. Our Care Coordination Services staff starts to plan for your discharge almost as soon as you arrive. You and your family will meet with a social worker who will help you plan for your transition from hospital to home, or to other facilities as needed.
ID Bracelet
Once admitted you will be given an identification bracelet with your name and Crouse Hospital medical record number. For your safety, please do not remove the bracelet until you are discharged from the hospital.
Palliative Medicine
As part of the normal life cycle, individuals and their families may face the daily ups and downs of living with chronic illness or may experience a sudden serious and life-threatening event. Many times, the patient and family experience fear, isolation and confusion. Feeling overwhelmed and uninformed is common.
The Palliative Medicine Service at Crouse Hospital is available to help meet the needs of patients and families with an experienced, multidisciplinary team that includes a specially trained physician, two nurse practitioners and a social worker, with the support of the hospital chaplains, volunteers and Ethics Council when needed or requested.
Consultation may be helpful with:
- Pain and other symptom management
- Emotional support of the patient and/or family living with serious illness
- Grief and bereavement counseling
- Reviewing prognosis and the risks and benefits of various life-sustaining treatments, or with answering questions related to a decision to withdraw or withhold life sustaining treatments.
Patients, family members, physicians or hospital staff may request a consultation. This is a consult service available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. You may call 315-470-7111, or dial 0 from within the hospital, and ask the hospital operator to page a Palliative Medicine team member. A Palliative Medicine consultation provides information about prognosis and treatment options, and provides patient and family education about chronic and life limiting illness. For more information, please ask for our brochure, “About Palliative Medicine.”
Patients are asked not to bring items of value to the hospital. If you lose something, please notify your nurse immediately, and we will make every effort to help you find it. Please do not keep money or valuables in your room. If it is not possible for you to send those items home with a family member, you may call the Admitting Department at ext. 7361 and make arrangements for small items such as rings, cash or credit cards to be placed in a secure location until you are discharged. If you wear dentures or glasses, please pay close attention to where they are placed after removing them.