Simply Well Spotlight

“It takes three weeks to change your habits, but only one day to change your mindset.”
– Dr. Joseph Barry
Preventive Medicine Associates/Signature MD (Member of the Crouse Health Network)

Join the Next 21 Day Challenge:
1. Choose one thing to improve YOU and commit to it for 21 Days
2. Start by the 1st of the month
3. Submit this online form after you complete your challenge (put a reminder on your calendar if that helps!)

Raffle winners are chosen each month, submit your 21 Day Challenge to be entered!

  • Click here for additional program details.
  • Click here to view our participant listing and their accomplishments!


Take it from these Crouse Health employees. They started…and haven’t stopped!

Kim MinekerKim Mineker (right)
Crouse Health Communications
Kim got in the groove with improving her eating habits and training for her first 5K in 2017. Since she started, she has lost 13% and has run not only one 5K, but 3 more races since! Kim is not only a cancer survivor and stroke survivor but is also very open about her challenges about living with Lupus, she is an inspiration and proves that anything is possible – in spite of obstacles that may come your way!
Kim is pictured here with pictured with her Fleet Feet “No Boundaries” 5K coach Holly Skiff (Crouse Health Purchasing)

Kristie SmithKristie Smith
Crouse Health Chemical Dependency Therapist
When Kristie read about the 2017 Simply Well Spring Challenge, her goal was to lose 8 pounds. During the Challenge, she began to ‘push pause’ before deciding to indulge – this pause gave her that extra second to decide if what she was about to eat was “worth it.” With healthier food choices and a more active lifestyle, she ended up exceeding her challenge goal and lost 10 pounds! But her journey did not stop there, Kristie continued the momentum. The choices she learned to make during the challenge became a habit, second nature. Now she is going into 2018, 60 pounds lighter than last year!

Mary MacNaryMary MacNary, RN
Crouse Health Madison Irving Surgery Center
A year ago, Mary’s Facebook friends started to see her checking in at Syracuse Ninja Barracks. These check-in’s became more and more frequent. Then they started see her pictures pop up on their newsfeed, and she appeared to be shrinking! Mary had been wanting to make a change, and one day……just decided to do it. One day at a time, the “old fashioned way.” With the support of her co-workers, friends, fitness center, and weight watchers group – her most recent Facebook post was to celebrate one year of her changed lifestyle, including the 70 pounds she has lost!

Mary Ellen AgoshMary Ellen Agosh, RN
Crouse Health Recovery Care Center

Exercise…..Mary Ellen says she used to hate it! But then things started to change, and it all began when her daughter joined the YMCA and asked Mary Ellen to join with her. She joined through the Crouse program that allows employees to earn a discount, provided that they visit the Y twice a week. Very quickly she learned to love the accountability the program offered, which made her go on a regular basis. Mary Ellen’s sparkle in her eye is as bright as ever, she shares “I am so impressed at my progress….and the fact that I now really like exercise (I used to hate it!) – and if I don’t do it, I don’t feel as energetic.” What began as a chore has now become a passion…which all started one day at a time.

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