Crouse Health Chaplains
Staff Chaplains are contracted through InterFaith Works of Central New York.
If you’d like to contact a hospital chaplain, please use this form.
Fr. Paschal Anionye
Fr. Paschal Anionye is a Roman Catholic priest serving in the Diocese of Syracuse. Educated and ordained in Nigeria, Fr. Paschal has completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education (at SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital, under the supervision of Rev. Terry Culbertson, BCC, ACPE). He is preparing to apply for Board Certification as a Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, while also serving at Upstate Community Hospital.
Francine Berg, MME
Cantor Francine Berg joined the Spiritual Care Department as Jewish Staff Chaplain in December, 2023. A retired music educator and Cantor at Temple Concord in Syracuse, NY, she lives in Jamesville with her husband. She is now the Cantor at Menorah Park Skilled Nursing Facility.
Imam Amir Duric, MDiv
Imam Amir Durić, MDiv, Muslim Staff Chaplain, has completed 1 unit of CPE through the Jewish Theological Seminary and is working towards his Ph.D. at Syracuse University.
Rev. Gerard McKeon
Rev. Gerard McKeon, SJ, BA, MDiv, is a Roman Catholic priest who serves on Wednesday mornings at Crouse. He is trained in spiritual direction at the Jesuit Renewal Center, and completed one unit of CPE Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA. He currently also serves as a chaplain in corrections ministry, and works at the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse, providing spiritual direction.
Rev. Willie Mitchell
Rev. Willie Mitchell is the founding pastor of Christ Cultivating Community in Nedrow, NY, where he has ministered for 20 years. More recently, he has begun training as a chaplain through Upstate’s Clinical Pastoral Education program. He has completed one unit, and is currently completing a second unit. Rev. Willie is starting his work at Crouse by supporting the ED on Monday evenings.
Rev. Mary Martha Rice
Rev. Mary Martha Rice is a Protestant pastor affiliated with Aglow International, and has completed two units of Clinical Pastoral Education. Rev. Mary will be working on Thursdays and Fridays.
Rev. Robert Searle
Rev. Robert Searle, BA, MA, MDiv, D.Min is a Free Methodist Pastor ordained in 1978 in the UMC as a Deacon and as an Elder in 1980. He is Retired Board Certified through the APC and the VA. CPE experiences include 8 units. He currently works 40 hours per week, of which 12 hours are in Crouse’s Addiction Treatment Services.
Aasiya Sellars
Aasiya Sellars provides per diem coverage for Muslim patients. She holds a BA in Islamic Law and Theology from Zaytuna College in Berkeley, CA, in 2019.