Spiritual Care
Spiritual Care is here to help.
We respect your spiritual or religious path.
Being a patient in the hospital is a journey into the unknown. You might struggle with questions that seem to have no answers, or you might want the comfort of familiar rituals or scriptures.
Our chaplains are professionally trained to serve you as you walk this new path in your life. You can ask for a chaplain visit from any staff member, or by calling the Spiritual Care Center at 315-470-7615. The chaplains at Crouse Hospital will help you draw upon your spiritual strengths to promote your healing in body, mind, and spirit. We are here seven days a week during the day, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Jeremiah Deep, BCC, Managing Chaplain
Jeremiah has been the Managing Chaplain since January 2025. He is a licensed Eucharistic Minister in the Diocese of Syracuse and ministers to patients and families of all faith traditions. He earned an MA in Pastoral Studies from St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry in Rochester, NY. He completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education at SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital in Syracuse, NY and is a Board Certified Chaplain through the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC).
For those who can come in person, The Bob Maher Memorial Interfaith Chapel is on the first floor of the West Tower Building, and is open for quiet reflection 24 hours a day. You can leave a prayer request or take a copy of sacred scripture.
The Spiritual Care Center Offices are adjacent to the chapel and are open seven days a week, 9 am to 5 pm. To reach the Chapel, take the Irving or Memorial elevators to the first floor and turn right. Follow the signs for Spiritual Care at the end of the hall. You will see the stained glass windows ahead of you.
Religious Services
Ritual and scripture can help us navigate challenging events, and chaplains and volunteers are here to provide rituals and scriptures in accordance with your faith tradition, whether Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, or interfaith.
Bedside rituals and services available include:
Holy Communion, Sacrament of the Sick, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Baptism (Roman Catholic)
Holy Communion, Baptism, anointing and laying on of hands for healing (Protestant)
Kosher meals, assistance with Jewish observances and Holy Days, electric Sabbath candlesticks
Recitation from the Qur’an, prayer
Services in the Chapel on 1 West Tower
Sunday at 12:30 p.m.: Roman Catholic Mass, broadcast live on Channel 83
Monday at 1:45 p.m.: Prayer and Praise with Rev. Mary Rice
Wednesday at noon: Sacred music with Tom Witkowski at the piano
You can also arrange for Baptisms, baby dedications, weddings and memorial services, either at the bedside or in the Chapel.
Religious Rituals and Supportive Services
No matter what your faith tradition or spirituality, we want to help meet your unique spiritual needs. Christian, Jewish and Muslim scriptures are all available free of charge, as are many devotional materials. Staff chaplains can attend family meetings with medical staff to help you define your values and make care decisions that reflect your faith.
Intensive Prayer Circle
Area congregations have joined with us as prayer partners to pray for you when you become part of our Intensive Prayer Circle. Please give your prayer request to any chaplain or Spiritual Care volunteer. You are invited to also write your prayer requests in the chapel’s special book of prayer intentions. To submit a prayer or to request to receive prayer lists, please click here.
Hospital Television Channels
Spiritual Care Channel 83 – This service is provided without charge through the Spiritual Care Center. Tune in anytime for live and taped programs of worship, inspiration, and comfort.
Contact Us
Office phone: 315-470-7615
Managing Chaplain’s email: ChaplainJeremiahDeep@crouse.org
If you would like a chaplain visit, ask any staff member or call x17615 from your bedside phone. You can also submit a request for a chaplain to contact you by clicking here.
On-call chaplains (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish and Muslim clergy) are available for after-hours emergencies. We are prepared to help you connect with your faith community, and to facilitate your own pastor’s visits in any way we can. We also provide consultation on medical ethics, religious practices, advance directives and end-of life issues.
Grateful Patient Giving Program
If you or a loved one have been touched by the spiritual care at Crouse Health and wish to honor the department or a particular chaplain or volunteer, contributions to the Maher Fund are gratefully accepted. Funds make it possible for the Spiritual Care department to continue this most important service for all patients and their families at Crouse Hospital. For more information, we invite you to contact the Crouse Health Foundation at 315-470-7702.