NICU Support Services
Crouse offers a range of support services and resources for the patients and families in the Baker Regional NICU.
+Hospital and Local Resources
When visiting your baby in the NICU, you may want or need to take advantage of some of the hospital’s resources and/or local services. If you need further assistance, please contact our Patient and Guest Relations staff at 315-470-7087.
Additionally, Crouse partners with the nearby Ronald McDonald House of CNY, as many of our NICU families take advantage of the hospitality and services offered there. For more information call 315-476-1027.
Ronald McDonald House is located a few blocks away and provides a comfortable and safe environment so you can be close to your baby.
- Crouse Hospital offers free shuttle service.
- This is an option for families who live at least 25 miles away.
- If you are under 18 you must have an adult family member with you.
- Ronald McDonald charges a small fee based on insurance coverage.
- Ronald McDonald House stays must be arranged by the NICU Social Worker
Some local hotels offer discounts for Crouse families also:
- Genesee Grand Hotel: 315-476-4212
- Parkview Hotel: 315-701-2600
- Marx Hotel: 877-843-6279
- Econo Lodge: 315-491-4672
- Hawthorne Suites Hotel: 315-425-0500
Parking and Transportation
Reduced rate parking garage permits are available for $70/ week or $150/ month.
Contact the Parking Office at 315-470-7118 or the Valet Desk in the Main Lobby
If you have problems with transportation to the hospital your Medicaid Insurance Worker may be able to help you. This must be done Monday – Friday and must have 3 days advance notice.
+Discharge Planning
The NICU Social Worker can assist in arranging follow up services such as Public Health Nurse visits, Early Intervention Programs, home nursing care or supplies and equipment if your baby is in need of any of these services.
+Social Work Information
There are two Social Workers here on the unit to assist you with many types of issues that may occur during your baby’s stay in the NICU. They can be reached Monday through Friday 8:00am-4:30pm at 315-470-7577. Emergency Department Social workers are available on the weekends for emergency issues. Your best option is to utilize the NICU Social Worker during the week.
+NICU Parent Support Group
Meetings are held weekly in the NICU Conference Room 9th Floor
Check with staff for day and time
This group is designed to support families who are experiencing the many emotions that come from having a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery. Parents have expressed to us that many of their extended families and friends do not understand what they are going through, however each of you, even though your baby’s are different, have some understanding of what the other is experiencing.
We have developed this support group for you to have a place to share your feelings, concerns and emotions. We are able to answer general NICU questions at the group meeting. Specific questions about your baby’s plan of care and diagnosis should be addressed with your baby’s Neonatologist/PA/NP.
If parents need more time to share, meeting times can be extended. The meetings are designed so that you can come for all or just a portion of the meeting.
This group is for parents, by parents. Any staff member present at the meeting is simply to help guide you in sharing your experiences and to direct you to the person(s) who might be better able to answer any questions or concerns you might have during your baby’s stay in the NICU.
Crouse Hospital and the Spirit of Women have generously provided a light meal for you during this group time. We hope you find this group beneficial. We will be offering some general educational support about the NICU and, as always, we are open to suggestions.
If you feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or excessively worried, it is important to reach out for support. There are many support options. We strongly encourage you to discuss this with the Social Worker, your obstetrician, your baby’s nurse or doctor. They will see that you get connected with the appropriate help.
+Pastoral Counseling
Any family wishing for prayer, spiritual guidance, or a baptism may request this from the infant’s bedside nurse or charge nurse. Chaplains representing Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths can assist you during your baby’s hospitalization. Bereavement counseling is also available for families whose infant does not survive. Please call 315-470-7615 for more information on this service.
+Bereavement Services
Bereavement Services (formerly Resolve Through Sharing) is a program of the Central New York Perinatal Center designed to support parents and families who have experienced the loss of a baby, whether due to an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, therapeutic termination, stillbirth or neonatal death.
Grieving is a normal response to the death of a loved one. When a baby dies, the family may also mourn the loss of their hopes and dreams, and of their lifetime with that child. Caring, supportive hospital staff can help a family through the initial shock and crisis in an effort to adjust to life without your baby.
For more information about bereavement services, please call 315-470-7372.
+NICU Graduates Reunion
The loving bond that forms between our team and our patients and their families is on full display each year during our NICU Graduates Reunion. This popular event attracts more than 300 former NICU patients and their families, who come back to Crouse to thank the nurses and doctors who cared for them during their first few weeks and months.