Free Perinatal Family Support Group
New Patients: Click here for intake forms
What happens when what is supposed to be the “happiest time of your life” – just isn’t. Pregnant and postpartum women are flooded with hormone changes impacting thoughts and moods. If you are one out of five women wondering if there is “something wrong” with you or you are afraid to talk about your anxiety, depression or ambivalence we have a safe, non-judgmental program for you.
Group and private sessions are virtual, allowing you to receive services from the comfort of your home; please do not wait to get help. You are not alone, your thoughts and feelings are not your fault, and you will get better with help.
As the Central New York leader in deliveries, with nearly 4,000 births annually, Crouse Health’s Kienzle Family Maternity Center, in partnership with our Spirit of Women program, has launched an outlet for ongoing support and awareness-raising activities that will help parents of new babies, as well as those dealing with perinatal depression. The stigma and judgment accompanying a diagnosis of perinatal depression make it an under-reported illness and, subsequently, the most under-treated obstetrical complication.
The program is led by Christine Kowaleski, DNP, MHNP-BC. She is certified in family, neonatal and psychiatric care, and serves as the Chair of Postpartum Support International’s New York Chapter. For more information and to register for the group or a one-on-one session, call 315-470-7940.
Meet Our Providers
Christine Kowaleski, DNP, NNP-BC, FNP, MHNP-BC
You Are Not Alone Family Support Group
This free group is open to any parent with a new baby, whether it’s your first, second or last. Moms, significant others and babies are welcome, regardless of where your baby was delivered.
The family support group offers peer support to moms and families living with Perinatal Anxiety & Depression (PMADs). PMADs occur during pregnancy and well into the postpartum period.
This group is ideal for moms or pregnant women who are struggling with depression, anxiety, or maternal role transition. It is also ideal for moms or pregnant women with a history of anxiety and depression, and want to be proactive or preventative with current or future pregnancies.
Our support groups meet online, via Zoom.
To ‘attend’ Tuesdays at 6 p.m., click here.
Meeting ID: 905 545 681
Passcode: 563665
646-558-8656,, 905545681# US (New York)
To ‘attend’ Fridays at noon, click here.
Meeting ID: 511 584 854
Passcode: 250529
646-558-8656,, 511584854# US (New York)
If you have any questions, please call 315-470-7940.
If this will be your first time attending, please click here to fill out a questionnaire.
Learn more about the Perinatal Family Support Program