Delivering at Crouse
Before You Arrive
We want to make your stay at Crouse Hospital as pleasant and convenient as possible – before you even step foot in the hospital. That’s why we’ve created an easy-to-use Patient Pre-registration feature which allows you to begin the admissions process from the comfort of home. Please visit our Admissions page, or call 315-470-7069 to speak with an admissions representative.
During Your Labor
Mothers may experience labor, delivery and recovery in the same room. Our large rooms are designed to accommodate the family experience.
We want you to have a supported, fulfilling labor and delivery experience. You have many options for labor to choose from such as comfort measures, breathing techniques, position changes, hydrotherapy and birth balls. A portable fetal monitoring system allows you to move freely without being in bed, as movement can help labor progress and be more comfortable.
During labor, you’ll have access to round-the-clock pain management and a private bathroom. At the end of the recovery period, you and your baby will be brought to the post-delivery (postpartum) unit.
Cesarean Birth
If a cesarean birth becomes necessary for you or your baby’s health, it is comforting to know that our team of OB/GYN physicians, anesthesiologist, midwives, nurses and staff are available 24/7, and our operating rooms are just stepping away.
Your Comfort
Pain Medication:
Pain medication is available for you after the birth of your baby. Please talk with your nurse about the choices you have to manage your pain.
Changes in Your Feelings After Birth:
The first few days and weeks after your baby is born is exciting and tiring. You may have many new feelings it’s normal to feel tired. You have worked hard and your new family is getting to know one another. Rest when you can. It’s okay to ask family to visit at another time.
Many new mothers feel sad or cry easily for one to two weeks after the baby is born. This is called having the “baby blues.” Baby blues should go away after about two weeks. If not, talk to your health care provider.
When the feelings of “baby blues” continue for longer or start to grow stronger, you may have perinatal depression and anxiety. Symptoms can include:
- Constant worry, anxiety, insomnia
- Feeling sad, hopeless empty or overwhelmed
- Crying more often than usual or for no reason
- Feelings of guilt, shame, hopelessness
- Loss of interest or joy in things you used to enjoy
- Racing thoughts, feeling that something bad is going to happen
- Irritability, restlessness, moodiness, anger, rage
- Difficulty concentrating, bonding issues with baby
Some women think about hurting themselves or their baby. If you feel this way, get help right away. Go to the hospital, or call your health care provider.
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Support Group
Our Perinatal Family Support Group is a no-cost outlet for ongoing support and awareness-raising activities that will help parents of new babies, as well as those dealing with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. For more information call 315-470-7940.
Family and Visitors
Please click here to visit our visitation policy.
We want to make your birthing experience a memorable one. We also encourage you to rest and spend alone time with your baby. Please help us create a joyful, calm, and welcoming environment with whomever you choose to share your birth experience.
If friends and family are sick, they should not visit. KFMC and the NICU reserve the right to restrict visitation during the seasons with increases in community illnesses such as the flu. This is done to protect you and your baby’s health.
Rooming In
Following your baby’s birth, we encourage you to rest, enjoy your baby and start breastfeeding. Your length of stay in the hospital depends upon your type of delivery and your recovery needs.
Your baby may stay in your room with a nurse caring for both of you. We encourage “rooming in” because it supports this special time. Rooming in also provides you with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and confidence to care for your new baby. Ask us questions about baby care. If you have questions after you go home, you are welcome to call the hospital or your healthcare provider.
Show Love For Your Baby
Your baby needs you to touch, hold, feed and talk to him or her. S/he needs to look at your face and watch you smile and talk. Sing as you snuggle, feed, and rock your baby. Call your baby by name. Your infant will not be spoiled by this type of love, but will respond, develop and learn.
Skin-to-skin Contact
Skin-to-skin contact means your baby is placed naked, belly-down, directly on your chest. Skin-to-skin stabilizes your baby’s breathing, heart rate and temperature. We encourage skin-to-skin contact.
Feeding Your Baby
We encourage you to breastfeed your baby as it is the best nutrition for your baby. Our Breastfeeding Resource Center includes Lactation Consultants, nurses who specialize in breastfeeding and who are available if you need more help than your nurse can provide. For mothers who choose not to breastfeed, formula is available in the hospital.
> New York State Breastfeeding Bill of Rights
Taking Your Baby Home
Generally, you will be discharged two days after a vaginal birth and three to four days following a cesarean birth. Both your obstetrician and pediatrician will authorize discharge for you and your baby. New York State requires that you have an infant car seat properly installed for your car ride home.
Bring an Outfit
Bring an outfit for baby to wear home. Consider bringing a t-shirt, sleeper, booties, blanket and hat (avoid ruffles, nylon and stiff materials).
Bring a Car Seat
Bring a car seat to take baby home. Keep your car seat in the car unless your caregiver asks you to bring it inside. Our smallest and youngest babies (less than 37 weeks, less than 2500 grams) often have trouble sitting up in their car seats. To make sure they are comfortable and able to breathe without difficulty, our nurses will place the smallest babies in their car seats and monitor their oxygen levels.
Outpatient Lactation Consultations
Lactation consultations after your hospital discharge are available to provide support with breastfeeding. If you need assistance when you are home, don’t hesitate to call us at 315-470-7179.
Postpartum Discharge Education/Information
Click the links below to access important discharge information.
Skin-to-Skin Contact
Diaper Time is Talk Time
Diaper Bank
Safe Sleep
Clean Hands
Newborn Financial Information
First Footprint (CertaScan)

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