Maternity/Kienzle Family Maternity Center

Crouse Health’s family-centered maternity care goes beyond the expected when you’re expecting. Not just during delivery, but before and after.

More OB physicians and midwives deliver more babies at Crouse than any other upstate New York hospital. And our Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is the highest-level center in the region for complicated pregnancies, deliveries and specialized newborn care.

Thankfully, most births go as planned. But it’s reassuring to know our resources are right here if they’re needed.

For the health of both you and your baby, don’t you deserve the Crouse maternity experience?

The DAISY Award

Want to thank a nurse, nurse leader or nursing team for extraordinary care? Nominate them for The DAISY Award.

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The DAISY Award

Want to thank a nurse, nurse leader or nursing team for extraordinary care? Nominate them for The DAISY Award.

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