Safety and First Aid

If you have an emergency, call 911 immediately. Crouse’s Pomeroy Emergency Services Department can be reached at 315-470-7411.

Basic First Aid Tips:

  • Cuts
    • Clean the area using gauze or a cotton pad. Small cuts heal best if covered by putting several small strips of surgical tape across the cut.
  • Burns
    • First Degree Burns: damage to the outer layer of skin. Plunge the burned area into cold water or hold it under a cold running tap for 10 minutes or until the pain stops or lessens. Then, cover with a clean gauze for protection.
    • Second Degree Burns: burns which go through to the second layer of skin. Pour copious amounts of cold water over the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Gently blot the area dry – do not rub. Rubbing may break blisters and allow for infection. Lightly cover the entire burned area with a clean, dry dressing. Raise burned arm or leg to reduce swelling. Call a doctor immediately.
    • Third Degree Burns: less painful than second degree burns because the nerve cells in the affected tissue are actually destroyed. Get the victim to the hospital immediately. Do not remove any clothing near the burned area. Do not apply cold water or medication to the burn. Place clean, dry cloths over the damaged area. Raise arms or legs if affected to reduce swelling.
  • Sunburn
    • Move victim to the shade and cool the skin by gently sponging with cool water. Give sips of cold water at frequent intervals. If the burns are mild, gently apply sunscreen. For extensive blistering, seek medical attention.
  • Severe Bleeding
    • If an adult loses more than 1 liter of blood or a child loses as little as 1/3 of a liter of blood, blood loss is considered severe.
    • Arm or leg injury: Lay the victim down and, if possible, raise the injured part. Press hard on the wound with a clean pad. If the wound is gaping, hold its edges firmly together. If there is a foreign body in the wound (i.e. glass), apply pressure alongside. Take a firm pad and bind it firmly over the whole wound so that pressure is maintained. If blood soaks through the bandage, do not remove it. Instead, continue to apply pressure to the wound for 6-7 minutes and seek medical assistance.
    • Head injury: Press firmly on the wound with a sterile dressing. Hold the dressing in place with more clean cloth. If victim is conscious, lay him/her down with the head and shoulders raised slightly. Seek medical help immediately.
    • Chest Injuries: Cover the wound immediately using the palm of your hand or the victim’s hand if he/she is conscious. Place a sterile dressing or clean pad over the wound then cover the pad with a plastic bag, kitchen film or foil, held in place with adhesive strapping or firm bandaging to form an airtight seal. If the victim is conscious, support him/her in a comfortable position. Seek medical help immediately.

Your First Aid Kit Should Contain:

  • First aid book
  • Band-aids
  • Elastic bandages
  • Gauze and adhesive tape
  • Antiseptic wipes (alcohol swabs) and cotton wool
  • Safety pins and tweezers
  • Scissors
  • Small mirror and latex gloves
  • Calamine lotions
  • Clinical thermometer
  • Analgesic tablets (such as aspirin)

Safety & First Aid

Summer Safety Tips

  • Apply inset repellent and know how to treat mosquito bites, bee stings, etc.
  • Avoid and treat sunburns
  • Avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion – stay indoors on extremely hot days
  • Avoid burns from grills and know how to treat them
  • Be cautious and safe while swimming outdoors
  • Dress for the heat – wear lightweight, light colored clothing
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water
  • Know the signs and symptoms of poison oak and poison ivy
  • Be cautious about leaving animals and children in enclosed vehicles in extreme temperatures

Winter Safety Tips

  • Look out for weather advisories, winter storm watches and blizzard watches and know how to prepare for them ahead of time
  • Stock up on home emergency supplies in the event of a power outage or sever storm
  • “Winterize” your home – have heating systems and fire places checked, replace batteries on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, make sure your home is properly insulated
  • Be cautious when using wood burning stoves or fireplaces – always keep a screen around an open flame and have a fire extinguisher in the house in the event of an emergency
  • Do not drive in hazardous weather conditions
  • Keep pets indoors during storms
  • Dress for the season – wear lightweight, loose clothing in several layers and always wear proper outerwear including hats, gloves, etc.
  • Be safe when engaging in winter sports such as skiing, sledding and ice skating
  • Know how to treat hypothermia and frostbite
  • Keep your vehicle’s gas tank full
  • Keep extra blankets and warm clothing in your vehicle in case of car trouble or bad weather causing you to have to pull off the orad
  • Be cautious about leaving animals and children in enclosed vehicles in extreme temperatures