Search Results for: https:/董FC3

Crouse Check It! Challenge

Know Your Blood Pressure! Crouse is partnering with the American Heart Association to offer an evidence-based wellness and blood pressure management program called Check. Change. Control. ALL participants are encouraged to sign up regardless of whether they have high blood pressure or not. This educational program focuses on simple changes you can make to improve…

Firefighter Screenings

Get Screened Like Your Life Depends On It! Cancer is the leading cause of line-of-duty deaths for firefighters, followed closely by heart disease. The City of Syracuse health plan now offers firefighters earlier access to the following potential life-saving screenings. Screenings are offered in collaboration with Crouse Medical Practice – Cardiology, Crouse Radiology Associates and…

Natural Emergencies

Planning ahead and preparing for inclement weather and natural disasters can help keep you and your family safe. Severe Winter Weather Cold weather puts extra strain on the heart. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, follow your doctor’s advice about performing strenuous work like shoveling the driveway in the cold. If you…