Weekly Pre-Admission Information Sessions Individuals interested in applying to Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital must meet all admission requirements prior to submitting any of the required application documentation. To learn more about our admission requirements and the application process, PRE-ADMISSION INFORMATION SESSIONS are hosted every Wednesday from 11:00am-12:00pm on campus. Register below for…
Crouse Hospital’s At Your Request Room Service Dining allows our patients to order their meals restaurant-style from their room in the hospital. From outside the hospital, family members can also order meals on behalf of patients. Placing Your Order Review the menu and choose the foods you would like to order. If you are on a…
Notice to patients: Certain Crouse Health patient billing records may have been affected by a security incident at Practice Resources, LLC, which performs billing for Crouse. Additional information about this incident is available at : https://www.prldocs.com/notice-of-data-incident/ or via Practice Resources’ incident call center at 1-866-667-1465. Enrollment Site: https://secure.identityforce.com/benefit/practiceresources
Carving out time for yourself is an integral part of living a healthy, whole and balanced life. Crouse Health invites you to join us in a campaign to take care of ourselves and those we love. Do 1 Thing…for a healthier YOU! Involve your family, friends, and coworkers Share your 1 Thing using #CrouseD1T to…