Crouse Hospital’s Physical Rehabilitation Services Crouse Hospital offers a complete range of inpatient and outpatient physical therapy services, all provided by an experienced team of certified healthcare professionals. Our PT team works with patients to alleviate pain, enhance strength and range of motion, and increase endurance and balance – all with the goal of returning…
Kidney Stone Treatment Physicians at Associated Medical Professionals are trained in a variety of treatment options for both acute kidney stone attacks that require urgent care and treatment, as well as evaluation and treatment of non-obstructive and asymptomatic kidney stones. In addition, we provide chemoprevention of patients who are chronic kidney stone formers. Most patients are…
Test Your Knowledge! Take Our Next Interactive Quiz We recently conducted a patient survey and developed the below flyer based on responses. Diabetic Eye Exams: Why, How and Insurance Coverage Take our next interactive quiz to test your knowledge and help us learn where patients need support. Quiz is anonymous and will take approximately 1-2…
Crouse Medical Practice (CMP) has been selected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as one of 516 awardees in 47 states to help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes among millions of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Affiliated with Crouse Health, CMP is participating in the Million Hearts Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction…