Although emergencies are unexpected and often unforeseeable, it is still important to prepare for them. Being prepared and anticipating emergencies can make all the difference in crises situations. The following pages will provide you with some recommendations on how to keep you and your family safe. Fire Be Prepared: Make an emergency exit plan for…
Though one hopes that these will never occur, it is important to be prepared for the worst. Awareness of how to deal with these situations will help to reduce confusion. Shootings: If you are you are the victim of, a witness to, or have reason to believe that there has been a shooting incident including…
Notice to patients: Certain Crouse Health patient billing records may have been affected by a security incident at Practice Resources, LLC, which performs billing for Crouse. Additional information about this incident is available at : or via Practice Resources’ incident call center at 1-866-667-1465. Enrollment Site:
Enrollment status at Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital is defined as follows: Matriculation Matriculation is a student status indicating that all admission requirements have been met and the student has accepted an offer of admission to the program. Non-Matriculation Non-matriculated students are not enrolled in the nursing program but are allowed to take…