Search Results for:邰VUe

Diabetes Care

Test Your Knowledge! Take Our Next Interactive Quiz We recently conducted a patient survey and developed the below flyer based on responses. Diabetic Eye Exams: Why, How and Insurance Coverage Take our next interactive quiz to test your knowledge and help us learn where patients need support. Quiz is anonymous and will take approximately 1-2…

Annual Interfaith Memorial Service

In loving memory of our departed loved ones, you, your family and friends are invited to Crouse Health’s Annual Interfaith Memorial Service. “In the Changing of the Seasons, We Remember Them” Sunday, Nov. 6, at 2 p.m. (Eastern Time) This is a virtual event; join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 854 8907 4503 Passcode: 530652…

Enrollment Requirements and Registration

Enrollment status at Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital is defined as follows: Matriculation Matriculation is a student status indicating that all admission requirements have been met and the student has accepted an offer of admission to the program. Non-Matriculation Non-matriculated students are not enrolled in the nursing program but are allowed to take…