Search Results for:汪m4V

Senior Leadership Hosts Reception for 2015 College Graduates

On Wednesday, Aug. 11, members of the hospital’s Senior Leadership team celebrated the educational achievements of more than 100 members of the Crouse family who earned a college degree at varying levels during 2015. Those pictured here attended a reception in honor of the graduates, who each received a gift to recognize their efforts at…

Crouse Health Receives New York State Perinatal Quality Collaborative (NYSPQC) 2020 Enteral Nutrition Quality Improvement Award

The New York State Perinatal Quality Collaborative (NYSPQC) has awarded Crouse Health’s Kienzle Family Maternity Center with the Enteral Nutrition Improvement Project 2020 Quality Improvement Award. This award recognizes Crouse’s participation in the project and the dedicated work to support optimization of early enteral nutrition and minimization of postnatal growth restriction in newborns of less…

Ostomy Nurse Presented with DAISY Award

Ostomy nurse John Rankin is the latest recipient of the DAISY Award for excellence in nursing. John was nominated by a patient’s wife for his knowledge and compassion, as her husband was dealing with the lifestyle change that comes with a rectal cancer diagnosis. John helped prepare the patient about what to expect with an…

Minnie Yao, RN, Receives DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses

Congratulations to our latest DAISY Award recipient, Minnie Yao, RN, from our 5 South Irving Unit. Minnie was nominated by a patient who noted her passion and empathy for her work, patients and profession. “Minnie goes above and beyond her assigned duties,” the nomination read. “Even when she was not assigned as my nurse, she…