Although emergencies are unexpected and often unforeseeable, it is still important to prepare for them. Being prepared and anticipating emergencies can make all the difference in crises situations. The following pages will provide you with some recommendations on how to keep you and your family safe. Fire Be Prepared: Make an emergency exit plan for…
Seth Kronenberg, MD President and Chief Executive Officer Lynne Shopiro, RN Chief Nursing Officer David Landsberg, MD Chief Medical Officer Kevin Randall Chief Financial Officer Kim Rose Chief Information Officer Bob Allen Vice President, Communications and Governmental Affairs Chris Farnum Vice President, Business Development Seth Kronenberg, MD President and Chief Executive Officer Seth Kronenberg,…
Though one hopes that these will never occur, it is important to be prepared for the worst. Awareness of how to deal with these situations will help to reduce confusion. Shootings: If you are you are the victim of, a witness to, or have reason to believe that there has been a shooting incident including…
Update Wednesday, March 11, 2020: Congratulations to Howie Washington on being named this year’s recipient of the ACC’s Bob Bradley Spirit and Courage Award. Howie will be presented with the award prior to the Orange’s game in the ACC Tournament tonight. The Bob Bradley award is given annually in memory of Bob Bradley, the…