Paul and Lenore Sealy

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Parents: Paul and Lenore Sealy
Hometown: Syracuse, NYWhen I was in labor, they did a fetal monitoring test and could tell that Zak was in distress and recommended an emergency C-section. He had to spend time in the Baker NICU, and the whole team was amazing. Zak was hooked up to all kinds of monitors with all kinds of tubes. We had to just step back and let them do their jobs — and we weren’t the only ones in there — there were a number of other little babies, all fighting for their lives, too. And it was all about the team — everyone in the NICU working as a team. The care was unparalleled. Not only did they care for Zak’s physical needs, but they cared for our emotional needs as well. ThankU, Crouse NICU!

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