Other Resources
Crouse Hospital’s medical librarians recommend the following Web sites. The resources referenced here are intended to provide general information for you. Some resources will contain information that is the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of your physician. Please consult your healthcare provider for individual information on your specific condition.
MedlinePlus offers over 18,000 links to accurate and current medical information that has been evaluated by the National Library of Medicine.
NIH Senior Health
Easily accessible information including well-illustrated, readable and easy to understand health information for healthy aging.
RxList-the Internet Drug Index
This site contains information about prescription and non-prescription drugs, herbs and supplements, searchable by generic and brand name. It also includes slide shows about diseases and health topics and a medical dictionary.
What to Expect
Heidi Murkoff, author of the popular What to Expect books created this Web site with information on fertility, pregnancy, the first year of life, toddlers, child development and safety.