Access, Safety & Security
Building Access
The College, located at 5000 Brittonfield Parkway, Building B is locked 24/7 and accessible via Crouse ID badge only.
Parking and Building Entry
Students may park at 5000 Brittonfield Parkway in the area surrounding Building B as outlined below. Students should enter the building via the Building B side/south entrance circled below. Upon entry students should proceed ahead to the elevator or up the stairs leading directly to the College lobby (ID badge access only).
Student parking for clinical rotations is arranged by the College through the Crouse Hospital Parking Office and communicated to students on a semester/term basis.
Security Patrols
Crouse Health Security provides 24/7 uniformed patrol of the entire Crouse Hospital complex which includes the Hospital, Physician’s Office Building, Madison Irving One Day Surgery Center, parking garages, and parking lots.
Photo ID Badges
Students and College staff must wear their photo ID badge on the upper part of their torso at all times while on-campus and during clinical or special experiences at off-site facilities. ID badges may be checked for access to the College, Crouse Hospital and shuttle buses or vans.
Calling for Assistance
The individual summoning help should call Crouse Health Security at 315-470-7826 for assistance. Assistance is available 24/7. Security officers respond to calls for assistance by providing or obtaining direct aid, conducting an investigation, and writing/filing reports with the Director of Security and the Dean of the College.
There are in-house security phones or intercoms located at:
- Crouse Hospital: Irving lobby
- Physician’s Office Building: parking garage office (by elevators)
Title IX
Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital is deeply committed to fostering an environment where individuals are treated with dignity and respect – where allegations of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment are treated seriously and resolved in a timely manner. The College offers options, resource referral, support and assistance to students and campus community members targeted by these acts so that they may continue to participate in College programs and activities. The College also offers assistance with referral to Crouse Security, public law enforcement and the College student conduct process. Consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities.
*Any questions related to Title IX may be referred to the College’s Title IX Coordinator:
Benjamin Luhrs, MS
Assistant Dean for Students & Title IX Coordinator
5000 Brittonfield Parkway, Suite B201
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Phone: 315-470-5710 | Email:

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