Info. Sessions & Admission Requirements
Weekly Pre-Admission Information Sessions
Individuals interested in applying to Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital must meet all admission requirements prior to submitting any of the required application documentation.
To learn more about our admission requirements and the application process, PRE-ADMISSION INFORMATION SESSIONS are hosted every Wednesday from 11:00am-12:00pm on campus.
Register below for an in-person session.
Click HERE to Register (Pre-Admission Info. Session)
Admission is based on a review of the overall application as an indication of potential for success in nursing and on a comparative basis with other applicants. Admission is not based on any single criterion such as previous grades, test scores, or class rank. Students enter with a variety of educational and life experiences, and therefore, many facets of their backgrounds are considered in making admission decisions.
Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program is competitive. The number of students admitted is limited by available faculty and clinical agencies. Meeting minimal admission requirements does not guarantee admission.
Admission Requirements
The Bill and Sandra Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital has a highly selective admission process. Candidates are considered using a holistic approach; inclusive of specific requirements necessary for admission. Academic rigor plays a major role in the decision process with an emphasis on sustained achievement in mathematics and science. Participation in activities beyond the classroom, personal qualities, academic enrichment programs and standardized test performance are all considered during the decision process.
- High school diploma or GED (High school cumulative GPA of 85% or higher)
- College cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
- Qualifying completion of: Algebra, Biology, Chemistry and English
- Professional/Educational References (2)
- Admission Essay
Additional Information for Admission Consideration:
- Sustained achievement in math and science courses
- Enrollment/participation in programs of academic enrichment
- Employment/volunteer experience in medically related field
Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a pre-admission counseling session for information regarding the application process. A schedule of meeting times are above or call 315-470-7481.
* applicants with repeated courses due to failing grades/dropped and/or withdrawn courses are less competitive
* applicants previously denied more than twice will not be considered
* The Office of Admissions reserves the right to waive prerequisite coursework upon review of the applicant’s file and/or transcripts
* the College of Nursing reserves the right to approve or deny admission based on the entirety of the application.
* Application materials become the property of Pomeroy College of Nursing and will not be returned. NOTE: Applications for admission will not be considered until all of the materials are completed and submitted to the college.
Special Admission Requirements
Advance Placement Applicants:
Candidates seeking transfer from another nursing program must contact the admission office. Applications are considered on a space available basis in conjunction with a thorough transcript review and program evaluation.
International and English as a Second/Alternate Language (ESL/EAL) and English Language Learner (ELL) Applicants:
Strong skills in reading, writing, speaking and understanding the English language are necessary for success in the nursing program and to assure that patients receive quality care.
References must be completed by individuals residing in the United States.
Applicants for whom English is a second language must meet the standard admission requirements as well as the following:
- Certified translation of all educational records
- Test of English Language (TOEFL)*
- TOEFL IBT – Internet based test – 85 score
- TOEFL PBT – Paper based test – 560 score
- TOEFL CBT – Computer based test – 213 score
* Applicants holding a collegiate degree from an accredited institution within the United States of America are exempt from taking the TOEFL.
Application Process
Applications are available online at On-line applications may take up to 7 days to process.
Required documentation should be submitted to:
Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital
5000 Brittonfield Parkway, Suite B201
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Required Documentation
- Official high school transcript and GED if applicable
- Official college transcripts (from ALL colleges attended, including concurrent enrollments)
- Official standardized test scores as indicated (TOEFL)
- Two professional references: References must be academic and/or professional in nature. References from family and/or friends will not be accepted.
Application Target Dates
Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Priority consideration is given to those applications submitted well in advance of the target dates. Due to the competitive nature of the admission process, candidates must submit applications two weeks prior to the target date. This provides ample time for all required documentation to be received and reviewed by the college. Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission.
Inactive Applications
If an applicant has not been in contact with the college for one year following the date of submission, the application will be deemed inactive and removed from the admission files.
Application Review
The Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions (MRA) Committee reviews completed applications. Candidates are reviewed using a holistic approach; inclusive of the admission requirements, and by taking into consideration sustained achievement in mathematics and science, participation in activities beyond the classroom, personal qualities, academic enrichment programs and standardized test performance. The College reserves the right to evaluate and deny admission if the College determines that the applicant does not demonstrate ability to successfully complete the program. Applicants who meet the admission requirements are not guaranteed admission into the College. In order to guarantee confidentiality, applicants will be notified of decisions in writing. Accepted candidates must fulfill the Enrollment Requirements as outlined in that policy by the required deadline.
Deferred Admission
Applicants having been granted acceptance to Pomeroy College of Nursing have the ability to defer their admission. Deferral requests must be submitted in writing and payment of the required, non-refundable enrollment fee must be submitted by the established deadline. Deferral requests are granted one time only within one year of the original semester of acceptance and must be made no later than one month prior to New Student Orientation. If applicants choose not to matriculate after deferring they must reapply should they remain interested in the College.
Wait List
Only those applications complete at the time of the target date are considered. Potential candidates may be placed on the wait list AFTER the class has been filled. Should space become available (as when accepted candidates decline/defer offer of admission) candidates on the wait list may be offered a space in the program. The wait list is created and active for one semester at a time. Candidates remain on the wait list for one semester only. Those candidates not called from the wait list must inform the Admission office as to how they would like to proceed with their application.
Transfer Credit Policy
Transfer credit is determined by the Bursar/Registrar in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Enrollment. Transfer credit may be granted for courses with content and credit comparable to required general education courses. Evaluation of transfer credit will be finalized and awarded only after final official transcripts from each credit source (such as College transcripts, test scores, or military documents) have been received by the College. Course descriptions and course syllabi may be requested to provide further clarification.
Transfer credit consideration is given to:
- Required general education courses of the program completed with a grade of (C) or above
- Anatomy & Physiology I, II and Microbiology courses completed within five years* of the date of application. Students are strongly encouraged to complete Anatomy & Physiology I and II at the same institution for curriculum consistency purposes
- Nursing transfer credits are considered on an individual basis and may be granted for the first semester/term nursing courses only
- Transfer credit will not be awarded for science courses (Anatomy & Physiology I, II, Microbiology and Nutrition) taken through Portage Learning (Geneva College)*
*If Anatomy & Physiology I, II and/or Microbiology were successfully completed with a grade of (C) or above beyond the 5-year time limit, students may elect to take both sections of Anatomy & Physiology I, II and/or Microbiology through Portage Learning. Please refer to for additional information. Upon successful completion of a Portage course(s), transfer credit will be awarded for the initial course.
*If Anatomy & Physiology I is taken at Onondaga Community College (OCC), students must also take Anatomy & Physiology II at OCC.
Credit by Examination:
- College Board Advance Placement Examinations (AP) are accepted based on the American Council on Education (ACE) recommended minimum score of “3.”
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP) with a minimum score of “5” A maximum of one attempt at two of the following exams may be transferred and must be completed with official scores received at least one month prior to the start of the semester/term in which course completion is required:
- College Composition Modular (essay portion not required) (WRT 101 equivalent)
- Introductory Psychology (PSY 101 equivalent)
- Human Growth and Development (PSY 220 equivalent)
General Guidelines:
A preliminary transfer credit evaluation will be completed by the Assistant Dean for Enrollment, during the application process.
During matriculation, a student must complete the Transfer Course Approval Form prior to enrolling in any outside coursework.
Once a student is approved to enroll in a transfer course, an (un)official transcript showing proof of course enrollment must be received by the Bursar/Registrar prior to the start of the transfer course.
If official documentation of a pre requisite course is not received by the deadline, the student will not be allowed to attend nursing course(s) (clinical, lab and theory) until official qualifying documentation is received.
The pre/co-requisites for all courses can be found under the course descriptions in Appendix B.
*Transfer credits (including credits received via cross-registration) are not included in the computation of the cumulative GPA.