Ostomy Nurse Presented with DAISY Award

DAISY recipient John Rankin

Ostomy nurse John Rankin is the latest recipient of the DAISY Award for excellence in nursing.

John was nominated by a patient’s wife for his knowledge and compassion, as her husband was dealing with the lifestyle change that comes with a rectal cancer diagnosis.

John helped prepare the patient about what to expect with an ileostomy, and during follow-up care he was able to build confidence in the patient’s ability to live a full and healthy life during this temporary change in lifestyle.

The patient’s wife wrote, “After discharge, we had a problem with the stoma application staying on, and John recommended and fit my husband for a new application that worked great throughout his recovery.”

She added, “Before we left the hospital that evening, John gave us a call to see how things were going. He then gave us his cell phone and told me to call over the weekend in case we ran into any problems.”

Thankfully, they didn’t need to call John that weekend, but on Monday, John called the patient to make sure everything was going okay. The patient is now recuperating from a second surgery and doing well.

Thank you, John, for your kindness and dedication to nursing and the needs of your patients.

Chief Nursing Officer Betty O’Connor, right, presented John with the award.

About the DAISY Award
In November 1999, the family of J. Patrick Barnes formed the DAISY Foundation as a way to express their profound gratitude to nurses for the work they do for patients and their families every day. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System. Pat died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. In 2015, Crouse became a DAISY-affiliated hospital, and presents an award to a deserving nurse, selected by a committee, regularly throughout the year. The DAISY Award program at Crouse has been made possible through a donation from the Crouse Hospital Medical Staff.