Crouse Nurse Plays Cupid on Valentine’s Day for Patient and His Wife

When Skip DeLorenzo wrote us about his experience earlier this month, even we couldn’t believe the level of ‘Crouse love’ that Ken Maxwell, RN, a nurse in our PACU (Post-anesthesia Care Unit) shared.

Skip wrote:

On Feb. 14, I was admitted to Crouse for surgery with Dr. James Sartori (who, by the way, is very cool and the best). The care and the attention everyone gave me was above and beyond my expectations, which is the reason I always say, “Take me to Crouse.”

When I was in recovery and finally woke up, I was met at my bedside by Ken Maxwell, RN. For some reason, we started talking about the fact my surgery was on Valentine’s Day. I realized right then and told Ken that I’d forgotten to pick up a Valentine’s card for my wife.

I must have fallen off to sleep, and when Ken woke me up again, I couldn’t believe what he handed me: a Valentine’s card he went out and picked up for me to give to my wife, Nancy, when I was settled in my room. If that wasn’t enough, the words on the card Ken selected fit Nancy and me almost to a “t.”

Please make sure Ken Maxwell is commended and made aware of how much I will never forget how his patient care went above and beyond what he gets paid to do. My new saying is, “Glad I went to Crouse!”

Every day, we hear from patients and family members thanking and complimenting Crouse Health staff —from all areas of the hospital — for exceeding their expectations. Thanks, Skip, for sharing this heartfelt story. And thanks to Dr. Sartori and Ken Maxwell, RN, for living our Crouse mission of providing the best (and most memorable) in patient care!