Medication Reconciliation
One of the most common medical mishaps has to do with medication errors — when patients take too many, too few or the wrong pills. Medication errors can lead to serious complications, admission to the hospital or even death.
The good news is that all adult patients and their families can play a vital role in helping to prevent medication errors, particularly during transitions in care. The single most important step you can take is to keep a complete, accurate and up-to-date list of all prescribed and over-the-counter medications, supplements, vitamins and herbals. Crouse Hospital encourages you to take the time to sit down and complete your own Personal Medication Record. It could just save your life.
What is a Personal Medication Record?
The Personal Medication Record is a chart to help you and your family members keep a current record of information that physicians need to know. This record includes immunizations, allergies, prescribed medications and any vitamins, herbal supplements or over-the-counter medicines.
I’ve printed this form, now what do I do?
Fill in all the blanks on the form that apply to you. List all medications and the physician(s) who prescribed them. Include any vitamins, herbal supplements, or over-the-counter medicines. Write neatly so others can read your form.
When do I use this form?
Bring this form with you whenever you visit your physician, go for tests, or when you are admitted to the hospital. Make sure that the form is up-to-date.
Where should I keep this form?
Keep this form in your wallet or purse so that it is always with you. This will help healthcare providers locate the form in case of an emergency.
I have been to the doctors and my medications have changed, should I scratch them out on the form?
Yes. Whenever you change medications, scratch through the old medication and write in the new information. Or you can also download and print out a new form or call Crouse Hospital’s Communication Department at 315-470-7701 to request that one be mailed to you.
I have just been discharged from the hospital and there are a number of changes. What should I do?
Fill out a new form. There are often many medication changes following a hospital stay. Before you leave the hospital, someone will tell you which medicines to take and which medicines to stop taking. When you return to your physician, take your new form with you.