Stella Hunt

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Crouse Little Fighter, Stella Happy two month birthday, Stella!

She’s fine now, but came into the world amidst complications. Here’s this Crouse Little Fighters‘ story, as told by her daddy:

My wife Kimberly and I were making our way home from dinner at a relative’s house when my 38-week pregnant wife began experiencing unexplainable bleeding clearly related to the pregnancy.

We knew she had the potential to be high risk from the moment we found out we were pregnant and naturally were very concerned to discover the bleeding. After calling 911 and arriving at Crouse Hospital via SAVES ambulance corps, we were quickly ushered up to Labor and Delivery. Being our first pregnancy, it took all we could handle to stay positive.

The nurses and residents did an exceptional job explaining to us what could be the cause of the bleeding during these dismal circumstances and the potential next steps of the evening. They demonstrated their expertise in handling high-risk pregnancies. It was evident that the placenta had detached from the uterus and that our daughter would need to be delivered promptly.

Prior to this incident, we had a planned C-Section scheduled for Nov. 30 at another Syracuse area hospital. The Crouse staff was very accommodating, performed the C-Section after my wife was put under general anesthesia. Our daughter was born Nov. 21 at 12:13 a.m. with an Apgar score of “1.” She needed compressions and was rushed to the Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a short period of time, and within 10 minutes had an Apgar of “9.”

We could never thank the wonderful team of doctors and nurses at Crouse Hospital enough for everything they did for our daughter that evening. Over the next three days, my wife recovered from her surgery and the nurses continued to do an amazing job taking care of both my wife and my daughter. Lindsay, Stephanie, and Hailey were phenomenal in making us feel at home and in taking good care of my family.

I believe God sent us to Crouse Hospital for a reason. Your staff are not only well trained, but also have a comforting bedside manner that set us at ease during this trying time. We were discharged just in time to spend time with our families on Thanksgiving and we could not be more thankful for the gift Crouse has provided us with.

Our daughter, Stella Marie Hunt, is a tremendously vibrant, joyful gift. Though this could have been a memory filled with pain and discomfort, Crouse Hospital made the birth of our daughter a positive experience that we can look back on fondly. 

Thank U, Crouse NICU!

Daniel, Kimberly, & Stella Hunt

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