Kristen Lizzio

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Parents: Kristen Lizzio
Hometown: Liverpool, NY

On June 14, 2014 (Father’s Day), my husband and I welcomed our triplet boys Aiden, Dominic and Vincent. They are now the light of our entire world, but what a crazy ride it is been from not even expecting to get pregnant to finding out we had three on the way! The boys were born at 32 weeks old, and were delivered by emergency C-section. I was scared, but the nurse held my hand and told me it was going to be okay.

I had complications, but there was no better feeling knowing that although I was sick, my kids were two floors above me getting the best care they could get. Vincent was born with a cleft lip and bilateral pallet; he’s since undergone three surgeries this past year. Feeding him was a struggle for me, but all the nurses were with me every step of the way to teach me how. The other two boys were in the NICU for low birth weight.

I appreciate everything the NICU staff did for me and my family. When I wasn’t there to change a diaper do a feeding, they took my place… from parent’s view, it’s very hard but it something I’ll appreciate for the rest my life. I am so thankful for the Crouse NICU and everything they have done for me and my children. ThankU, Crouse NICU!

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