Kristen and Dominic Lizzio

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Parents: Kristen and Dominic Lizzio
Hometown: Liverpool, NY
Big things often have small beginnings. This is how our story begins. June 15, 2014, at 32 weeks pregnant with triplets, I met the biggest blessings God has ever handed me. I was scared, anxious and overwhelmed, but most of all I was blessed. I was dealt a huge responsibility at only 21 years old and how we were going to do it was beyond me, but my husband and I refused to let the “what if’s” or “could be’s” stand in our way. I knew this was meant to be…we were supposed to be parents to triplet boys and then all of a sudden, one day, they were here. It all happened so fast and after a rough, unexpected delivery, I woke up the next morning to my husband telling me the boys were here. All just over 3 pounds, I remember thinking they could break if I squeezed too tight or kissed too hard. My little fighters were my children and now my entire world.

The boys stayed in the Baker Regional NICU for two months. I have never in my life felt so blessed to have the people I had around us. As a parent, there is no words to describe how your heart shatters when you have to leave the hospital without your babies. The nurses at Crouse made me feel right at home. They were so loving and supportive. As a team they got my boys where they needed to be. When I couldn’t be there to wipe their tears at night, feed them at 3 a.m. or change them every two hours, they were there. They took care of my babies when I was at the worst vulnerable, emotional state of my life.

My son Vincent (baby C) was born with a cleft lip and bilateral palette. I remember getting frustrated because I didn’t know how to feed him or when I did, monitors would go off and I would panic. I felt as though I was failing him. But the nurses encouraged me, taught me and together we learned different techniques to get Vincent fed. The first day I was able to do it on my one, the nurses cried tears of joy with me.

They say, “God found someone the strongest women to make them parents,” but I think the truth is that God finds strong women and makes them nurses.

To all of the staff I want to say THANK U, Crouse NICU! You all have a special place in my heart. Because of you, I get to watch my babies grow. Because of you, I know how to handle the worst situations. And because of you, my boys always had love, and were always cared for.