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Jayden Grant, Crouse Little FighterJacquelyn Grant considered her pregnancy with Jayden, her first baby, to be a very normal, although he decided to arrive 16 days before her due date.

After about 26 hours in labor, she welcomed Jayden into the world, weighing in at 5 pounds, 12 ounces.

His birth assessment was going well, but it seemed he had swallowed some amniotic fluid. Jacquelyn was able to hold Jayden and try to nurse him, but then was told that he would need to be observed in the NICU to get some oxygen.

Jacquelyn said, “My heart sank a little, but I knew this was the best place for him to receive the best care.”

In the middle of the night, Jacquelyn was woken by a nurse who informed her that Jayden needed to have surgery right away. Dr. Ratner explained to Jacquelyn that Jayden had a tracheoesophageal fistula (an abnormal connection between the trachea and esophagus) and duodenal atresia (an absence of closure of the lumen of the duodenum). The first surgery would be to fix the duodenal atresia.

When Jacquelyn saw Jayden for the first time in the NICU, the experience was anything but normal for her, but with the help of the NICU nurses and staff, she was able to change Jayden’s diapers and be a mom to her little fighter.

Jayden had a second surgery at just 6 days old, after which Jacqueline heard his cry.

“I knew his cry. It was loud. And I thought, he’s a fighter. He’s a strong little boy,” she said.

Jayden Grant, Crouse Little Fighter, at home with familyJayden, second from left, spent 23 days fighting in the NICU. He is now an intelligent nine-year-old boy who loves video games, books and playing football.

Little fighters such as Jayden deserve a fighting chance. And you can help by making a donation to the Crouse Little Fighters today!

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