Declan and Logan

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Declan Powers, Crouse Little Fighter

Pregnant for the first time and carrying twins, Laura Powers went into early labor on Christmas Day 2013.

When she went to St. Luke’s Hospital in Utica on December 26, 2013, they promptly transported her to Crouse. She, along with her husband, Matt, spent six days in the hospital before giving birth to her boys.

Logan and Declan were born on New Year’s Day, 2014, at 26 weeks and 5 days. Breathing on their own they weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces, and two pounds, six ounces, respectively. Larger than expected, Matt recalls Michelle Bode, MD, jumping and cheering in the operating room.

Logan Powers, Crouse Little FighterLogan and Declan were in the Baker Regional NICU for one week before Laura and Matt were able to hold them. Despite that, Laura says she never let herself get scared while the boys were in the NICU. “I knew our boys were in the best hands,” she explained.

Laura says she only broke down when Declan had an infection and needed to be intubated to rest and heal. “Seeing my son in that situation was terrifying,” she said. “A nurse saw me getting upset and explained that it was okay to be upset, but assured me everything was under control. She talked me through one of the scariest moments.”

“Then there were fun times, too. Like when several nurses gathered to teach us how to bathe the boys in their tiny tub,” she said. “They videoed the experience for us and it was hilarious, as we were overly nervous new parents.”

Declan has microtia atresia, an ear deformity, and is severely deaf in his left year. This was not because of his prematurity, Laura says, but Crouse was helpful in connecting them with Dr. Tatum, with whom they still follow up.

Logan had significant plagiocephaly, or a flat spot on his head, when he came home. This was in part due to prematurity and his favoring of one side. Laura said they worked with the Hanger Clinic in Syracuse and after 10 months, they had remarkable results.

The twins were both home in March, Declan on March 16 and Logan on March 3. Dr. Bode recommended the boys’ pediatrician, Dr. Henderson, which Laura said made the transition from Crouse seamless.

“Everyone at Crouse – from the parking garage attendants to the doctors and nurses – were so accommodating to us while we were there. I wish Crouse were in our backyard!” Laura said. The family is grateful for the support they received while at Crouse.

Declan and Logan Powers, Crouse Little FightersNow three and a half years old, Declan and Logan have graduated from the NICU follow-up program and are on-track for their age and happy and healthy.

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