Ciara Studstill

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Ciara Studstill, Crouse Little FighterWhen Janett Johnson’s water began leaking in March 1999, months before her July due date, she didn’t know what to expect. Her other pregnancies had been “normal,” and she never thought about prematurity.

Janett spent 3 weeks lying in the Trendelenburg position, on medication to stop her labor from progressing.

Janett gave birth to her daughter Ciara on March 23, 1999. Ciara weighed just 728 grams at birth and had many issues to overcome.

Ciara Studstill, Crouse Little FighterToday, Ciara is a very happy and healthy teenager, who just celebrated her graduation from Corcoran High School in Syracuse. She is enjoying her summer break before beginning her college career at Bennett College in North Carolina this fall.

Janett thanks the wonderful nurses at Crouse for being so fantastic during such a difficult time. Inspired by her experience and the treatment she received, she went on to become a registered nurse.

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