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Little Fighter CaitlinCaitlin was born in April 1999 with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Her Apgar scores were the lowest possible. She spent two weeks in the Crouse Hospital Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – unconscious for a week – and doctors wouldn’t promise her parents, Tom and Melissa Barry, anything.

But then, the miracle: Caitlin began to awake from her unconscious state. There were still concerns about what Caitlin’s future would hold – brain damage and seizures were possibilities – but doctors and nurses were patient and understanding, while being realistic.

By age one though, Caitlin was singing. Not just typical kid singing, her parents say, but hitting every note and knowing every word.

Caitlin BarryIt turns out, Caitlin has a natural talent for singing and has since performed for sold-out crowds at the Turning Stone with Benny Mardones and sings the National Anthem at Syracuse University basketball games.

She’s performed for elected-officials and placed in the top 10 at the New York State Fair talent show (the only singer to do so!)

Caitlin, now a senior at West Genesee High School, sang the National Anthem at her soccer game, and then scored the only goal in the first half. She intends to do both next year as a freshman at Onondaga Community College, but her dream is to be a professional singer.

Her parents say they couldn’t have imagined this for Caitlin when she was in her first two weeks of life, but they thank everyone from the Crouse NICU during that time.

Help the Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit continue to nurture the future dreams of “Little Fighters” like Caitlin by making a donation today!

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