Refugees Learn about Health Careers from Crouse

By: Laurie Clark

Students and teachers from RISE“How long did you have to go to school to become a physician?” a student from the Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment (RISE) group asked of Carl Butch, MD, president and medical director of Crouse Medical Practice.

Through a partnership with the North Side Learning Center, these students participate in a program called “Explore CORE (Careers, Opportunities, Resources, Education)” which helps refugee and immigrant young adults, ages 14 to 21, familiarize themselves with paths to personal, academic, professional and financial success.

Some of the students have already expressed interest in a career in healthcare, including nursing programs and the dental field.

Crouse Health’s Chief Medical Officer/Chief Operating Officer, Seth Kronenberg, MD, encouraged all of the students to pursue careers in healthcare, particularly at Crouse.

“We have so many growth opportunities,” Dr. Kronenberg said. “We’ve had nurses go on to become doctors, environmental services workers become nurses and nurses move into administrative roles.”

Dr. Kronenberg cited his own experience, going from being a primary care physician to his current administrative position.

“What’s important to remember is that at Crouse, we see each role as having an impact on our patients. Not just the doctors and nurses. The valet, the barista, the environmental services worker…they are each important to creating a positive patient experience,” Dr. Kronenberg said.

Students had the opportunity to hear from people in many different roles at Crouse, to see how each person influences the Crouse culture.

Kathryn Marsella, RN, nurse manager in surgical services, spoke about the teamwork needed to run the Witting Surgical Center operating room. She stressed that each person has a very specific job they’ve been trained to do and plays an important role in every surgical case. She also talked about the on-the-job training provided at Crouse.

Each speaker offered the students an opportunity to see the advantages of working in healthcare and gave them the opportunity to ask questions. They also heard from Care Coordination, Cardiac Services, Neurosciences, the Kienzle Family Maternity Center and the office of Patient Experience.

As for the answer to the question asked of Dr. Butch?

“Becoming a physician involves many years in school. But it goes quick and it’s fun. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would still come to work every day,” he said.

Laurie Clark is the Communications and Digital Media Manager at Crouse Health.

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