Endowment Fund

The Crouse Health Foundation Endowment Fund was established in 1983 through a $5 million community fund-drive. Today the fund has a market value of almost $32 million. The principal of the fund remains untouched, while a portion of the investment income earned annually is given to Crouse Hospital.

Investment income disbursements began in 1988, and monies awarded in support of the hospital to date total almost $32 million. In 2021, the Foundation’s Board of Trustees allocated more than $1.2 million in investment income earned by the Endowment Fund in 2020, distributed through more than 50 grants for various programs and services of the hospital.

Management Fee Information
The Crouse Health Foundation is committed to the stewardship of donor dollars and to maximizing the impact of resources contributed to further the mission of Crouse Health.

Toward that end, the Foundation assesses a small management fee to restricted and endowment gifts to cover the costs of administering these funds.

Each year, our Finance Committee reviews our fee schedule and sets the lowest fee possible for restricted gifts that will be received and endowment funds that will make disbursements over the next twelve months. By Crouse Health Foundation policy, this fee will not exceed 1.5 percent.