Crouse Cardiac Care Nurse Honored with DAISY Award

By: Crouse News

Jessica Brosh, RNThe DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary compassionate and skillful care given by nurses every day. Crouse Health is proud to be a DAISY Award Partner, recognizing our deserving nurses with this special honor.

Our most recent DAISY recipient is Jessica Brosh from 4 South Irving, our oncology unit. She was nominated by a very grateful patient, who called Jessica a “guardian angel in disguise.”

“My story begins with an ambulance ride to Crouse Hospital. I was having chest and back pain and a pounding headache…I was so frightened and scared. After an evaluation by the Emergency Room doctor, I was admitted for an overnight observation. A short time later I was seen by my cardiologist, who expressed her concerns and told me she was ordering an MRI and nuclear stress test to try and see what was going on.

After I spent the night in the ER, I was transferred to 4 Irving. When I arrived I was greeted by a nurse, Jessica Brosh, who informed me I would be in her care during my stay. I can’t say enough about this wonderful nurse. She went right to work: set my mind at ease and made sure I was comfortable while being hooked up to a lot of medical devices. Jessica’s skills, confidence and knowledge of what to do were exceptional and evident. She explained everything to me and answered any questions I had. After all my tests were complete, I learned that I had a problem and was scheduled for a 7 a.m. catheterization of my heart and had a stent put in one of the arteries that were blocked. It was all a very scary experience, but Jessica made it so much more tolerable.

I’ve always believed that when someone does an extraordinary job, they should be recognized. Jessica is an outstanding nurse and human being. She takes her job seriously and is devoted to her patients. I felt safe in her hands and was happy to have her for my nurse until my discharge. Jessica Brosh was my guardian angel in disguise.”

Thank you, Jessica, for living the Crouse mission of providing the best in patient care.

Thank you for submitting a nomination for the DAISY Award!

Crouse News is reported by members of our Communications Team.

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