Our latest DAISY Award Recipient: Paige Schwarz, RN – Labor & Delivery

By: Crouse News

Crouse nurse Paige Schwarz, RN, Labor & Delivery, recently received a DAISY award for going above and beyond the expectations of a patient, who wrote the following:

“In September 2020, we had our first son at Crouse and Paige served as our L&D nurse. We were in labor awhile and Paige was with us throughout the whole process, not only providing sound and proficient explanations but providing unparalleled levels of compassion for us as first time parents. Once our son was successfully delivered, we were extremely hungry as we had been in labor for a long time and now it was 3 AM and no food was available. Paige took it upon herself to go to the break room and make a grilled cheese for us which just blew our minds! Neither of us had ever experienced such a kind gesture from a clinical employee before. The next day she even came into our recovery room to speak with us and to make sure everything was going smoothly.

Now fast forward two years (to the day) and we were arriving at Crouse to give birth to our second child and we were thrilled to see Paige again! Paige once again was there to help throughout the whole process and while the delivery was quicker, she noticed afterward that our baby was having some respiratory issues and his oxygen levels were dropping. She called the NICU and our baby was brought up there for a few hours. Luckily it wasn’t a long stay but we were upset and scared as our baby wasn’t able to be with us in the recovery room. Paige recognized this and walked us to our room at the end of her shift and explained how common this problem was and that everything would be alright (and she was right). The next day for her next shift, she stopped by our room to see our new baby and to check on us, but she also brought milkshakes for us!

People like Paige are hard to come by, if anyone deserves the DAISY award for Carepassion it is her!”

Congratulations, Paige, on this recognition, and many thanks for demonstrating the Carepassion that Crouse employees have become known for.

Crouse News is reported by members of our Communications Team.

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