Do 1 Thing

Carving out time for yourself is an integral part of living a healthy, whole and balanced life. Crouse Health invites you to join us in a campaign to take care of ourselves and those we love.

  • Do 1 Thing…for a healthier YOU!
  • Involve your family, friends, and coworkers
  • Share your 1 Thing using #CrouseD1T to support each other.


George Kilpatrick’s “Inspiration for the Nation” Five for Life: Healthy Inspiration at Any Age

Listen to Crouse Health experts below!






Colin Maloney, PA: The new Crouse Headache Clinic

Jeffrey DeSimone, MD: What’s new in bariatric robotic surgery

Evan Belanger, DNP: What’s new in stroke care

Stephen Page, PT: All about Crouse Spine Care

Dr. Alann Weissman-Ward

Alann Weissman-Ward, MD: Vaping, opioids and our youth

The disease of addiction

Dave Martin and George Kilpatrick

Dave Martin, RN: Flu symptoms and prevention

George Kilpatrick & Joel Richman, MD

Joel Richman, MD: Dealing with depression during the holidays

George Kilpatrick & Maureen Berical, RD

Maureen Berical, RD: Healthy holiday eating habits

David Mason & George Kilpatrick

David Mason, MD: Emergency care at the brand-new Pomeroy Emergency Services Department

David OuYang, MD

David OuYang, MD: Men’s health and wellness

Maureen Berical, RD & Betty Michiel, RN: Diet and weight management when it comes to heart health

William Schu, MD

William Schu, MD: Genetic testing and breast cancer

Kelly VanAuken

Kelly Van Auken, OT: How occupational therapy helps patients

Ben Sadowitz, MD

Ben Sadowitz, MD: Hernia myths and treatment

Nicole Miller, Crouse Health Integrative Medicine: Massage & mindfulness for veterans

Mickey Lebowitz, MD: The causes and effects of physician burnout

Ilona Prouty, PT: Vestibular Imbalance

Russ Acevedo, MD: Lung Partners helps us breathe easier

Ryan D’Amico, MD, Syracuse Podiatry: How to take care of your feet

Patty Morgan and Amy Graham, Pomeroy College of Nursing: Nursing opportunities at Crouse

Sara Quinn, MD: What new moms should know

Monika Taylor, Director of Chemical Dependency Treatment Services: Opioids, cocaine and heroin treatment options available in Syracuse

Mickey Lebowitz, MD: The myths and realities of diabetes

Chris Kowaleski, NP: Dealing with post-partum depression

Stephen Montgomery, MD: Focus on breast health

Myron Luthringer, MD: Risks and treatment of ovarian cancer

Rachna Zirath, MD: Stress-busting strategies

Stephan Alkins, MD: Don’t sleep on sleep

Navpriya Oberoi, MD: Everything you need to know about pelvic health

Nikhil Joshi, MD: Signs and symptoms of a heart attack

Mary Cunningham, MD: The latest in gynecological robotic surgery

Beth McCarthy, Clinical Manager of HelpPeople: Tips for dealing with holiday-related stress

Timothy Izant, MD: Providing orthopedic care to underserved countries

Cathy Wolf, Cardiac Educational Coordinator: How to quit smoking

Twiggy Eure, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Recruitment & Retention Coordinator: Diversity and Inclusion at Crouse

Nicole Miller, Crouse Health Integrative Medicine: Mind Health and Wellness

Laura McManus, RD: Heart-healthy nutrition tips

Jim Waters, Respiratory Therapist: Tips for asthma sufferers

Erin Coleman, RN, NICU Nurse Manager: Neonatal care & preventing pre-term labor

Ann Marie Dixe, NP: Everything you need to know about sexually transmitted diseases

What Is Carepassion

Our passion is treating you with the respect and dignity you deserve. And celebrating what matters most in your life.


What Is Carepassion

Our passion is treating you with the respect and dignity you deserve. And celebrating what matters most in your life.
