Crouse Connects

Crouse isn’t just about healthcare. We’re about what we believe sets us apart: Carepassion™ .

We always say we’re not a ‘perfect’ hospital. But our physicians, nurses, providers and staff strive to listen to each patient and family member’s feelings and needs with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Our CrouseConnects blog is designed to talk about some of the ways we connect and do just that. How we work on achieving clinical advances that help us provide the best in patient care for our community and region. And how we try to tend to the “little things” — parking, getting around and dining, for example — to make anyone’s visit or stay at Crouse more welcoming and comfortable.

Tag Archives: postpartum anxiety mood disorder

Maternal Mental Health: How COVID-19 Has Isolated New and Expecting Moms

By: Laurie Clark

The COVID-19 pandemic has been very isolating for many people, especially those who have mental health conditions. In fact, in a May 2020 article for the Washington Post, William Wan wrote that the pandemic is “pushing America into a mental health crisis.” A June 2020 study from the CDC reported that “symptoms of anxiety disorder…

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Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder: What happens when the pink and blue balloons fly away?

By: Christine Kowaleski, DNP, MHNP-BC

Having a baby is an exciting time that we’ve been told would fill us with joy.  Much attention is given to the pregnant woman planning for the big day and preparing for the joyful arrival of the chubby-cheeked pink baby with ten little fingers and ten little toes. Giving birth is, after all, the most…

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