Crouse Connects

Crouse isn’t just about healthcare. We’re about what we believe sets us apart: Carepassion™ .

We always say we’re not a ‘perfect’ hospital. But our physicians, nurses, providers and staff strive to listen to each patient and family member’s feelings and needs with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Our CrouseConnects blog is designed to talk about some of the ways we connect and do just that. How we work on achieving clinical advances that help us provide the best in patient care for our community and region. And how we try to tend to the “little things” — parking, getting around and dining, for example — to make anyone’s visit or stay at Crouse more welcoming and comfortable.

Tag Archives: Crouse Health

Creating a Cheerful Culture of Caring for Nurses

By: Cheryl Abrams

Nurse cheerleader and nurse for the nurses is how Ashley Haugstatter, BSN, RN, CPN, CCRN, describes herself. After pursuing her dream of working in pediatric critical care nursing, she transitioned to a new role: Manager of Nursing Relations and Retention. Advocating for Crouse Nurses Ashley spends her workdays interacting with future nurses, encouraging them to…

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Telehealth is Here to Stay

By: Crouse News

> TELEMEDICINE AT CROUSE MEDICAL PRACTICE Call it telehealth, telemedicine or virtual visits, one thing is clear: The COVID-19 pandemic has forever altered how we connect, not only with each other, but with patients as well. What’s more, it’s here to stay. A recent survey of 1,300 physicians found that 90% of respondents were using…

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Surviving COVID-19, Giving Thanks

By: Crouse News

UPDATE NOV. 11, 2020: COVID-19 activity in our community is on the rise. We urge everyone to protect themselves from acquiring the coronavirus by wearing a mask when in public; socially distancing as much as possible; avoiding large gatherings; and practicing hand hygiene. Learn more on our COVID-19 resource page. “You are my heroes and…

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Meet Andrea Hammond, RN: Patient Care is Anywhere It’s Needed

By: Laurie Clark

“It’s what I hope someone would do for me.” That’s how Andrea Hammond, RN, described a recent Friday morning. She was running late for her shift in our Witting Surgical Center, but saw a man fall in the middle of the street. “He was an older gentleman, and I pulled over to make sure he…

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