Crouse Connects

Crouse isn’t just about healthcare. We’re about what we believe sets us apart: Carepassion™ .

We always say we’re not a ‘perfect’ hospital. But our physicians, nurses, providers and staff strive to listen to each patient and family member’s feelings and needs with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Our CrouseConnects blog is designed to talk about some of the ways we connect and do just that. How we work on achieving clinical advances that help us provide the best in patient care for our community and region. And how we try to tend to the “little things” — parking, getting around and dining, for example — to make anyone’s visit or stay at Crouse more welcoming and comfortable.

Tag Archives: Crouse Health

DAISY Awards for Nursing Team and Nurse Leader

By: Crouse News

Each month, a DAISY Award is given out to a nominated nurse for exceptional care. These nurses represent the patient experience at Crouse and the Carepassion delivered to every patient. Once a year, we also award a DAISY to a nursing leader and team who exemplify the Crouse mission, vision and values and are models…

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Carepassion in Action: Respiratory Therapists Bring Birthday Cheer to a Patient

By: Laurie Clark

No one would want to spend their birthday in a hospital bed.  Unfortunately for Mary Gersbacher, a COPD patient, that is how she recently spent her 82nd birthday. Fortunately, Mary’s respiratory therapists Todd Davison and Taylor Iannuzzo took the time to make the day special for her and brought her balloons and a necklace. Mary…

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Treating Hernias

By: Crouse News

Hernias are a common condition in both men and women—and are generally harmless if they are addressed appropriately. Some people actually live with hernias their entire life and they’re nothing more than a bit uncomfortable at times. In some cases, no surgical intervention is needed. However, individuals living with painful hernias that inhibit daily activities…

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Colon Cancer Awareness: Why Screening Saves Lives

By: Crouse News

Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in the U.S. But, the cancer can be treated successfully—if it’s caught in its early stages. That’s why colorectal cancer screening is so important. While previous guidelines recommended screening begin at age 50 for someone of average risk, that age has now been lowered…

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