Crouse Connects

Crouse isn’t just about healthcare. We’re about what we believe sets us apart: Carepassion™ .

We always say we’re not a ‘perfect’ hospital. But our physicians, nurses, providers and staff strive to listen to each patient and family member’s feelings and needs with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Our CrouseConnects blog is designed to talk about some of the ways we connect and do just that. How we work on achieving clinical advances that help us provide the best in patient care for our community and region. And how we try to tend to the “little things” — parking, getting around and dining, for example — to make anyone’s visit or stay at Crouse more welcoming and comfortable.

Category Archives: Carepassion

Managing Stress in Unprecedented Times

As much of our nation moves toward resuming some degree of normalcy, stress will inevitably still be a factor each of us will continue to face.  The challenges we have experienced reinforce the need to consider how we think about managing stress to protect and promote our well-being.  Effective stress management has long been associated…

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A Special Gift for Those Who Give

Serving her community has been a way of life for Syracuse native Susan Klenk. After a long career teaching elementary school in the city, Susan used her retirement to begin a second career as a full-time volunteer. First, she went back into the classroom to work with kindergarteners and their teachers, donating her time and…

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Meet the Latest Recipients of the Carepassion Awards

Each quarter, we honor the recipients of our Carepassion Awards, which are supported by the Paul Kronenberg, MD, Employee Recognition Fund of the Crouse Health Foundation. Recipients are nominated for being ‘defining examples of Carepassion.’ Join us in congratulating each of the most recent recipients! Laura Symonds, RN Intensive Care Unit My 92-yr-old father was…

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Nurse Sisters Spread Inspiration

Ashley Cummings and Amy Brown, sisters who are both registered nurses at Crouse Health, wanted to do something to inspire their colleagues, who have been working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. They decided to paint motivational rocks and leave them throughout the Crouse parking garage, where employees might find them…

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