Carepassion in Action: Respiratory Therapists Bring Birthday Cheer to a Patient

By: Laurie Clark

No one would want to spend their birthday in a hospital bed.  Unfortunately for Mary Gersbacher, a COPD patient, that is how she recently spent her 82nd birthday.

Fortunately, Mary’s respiratory therapists Todd Davison and Taylor Iannuzzo took the time to make the day special for her and brought her balloons and a necklace.

Mary sent a letter of thanks, noting that the gesture brought her happiness.

“We build long-term relationships with our patients and that brings them some comfort each time they come to Crouse,” said Wendy Fascia, manager of respiratory programs. “Our respiratory therapists take a great deal of time just  listening to patients and helping them manage those barriers that prevent them from maintaining their health at home, or to decrease their anxiety when short of breath while in the hospital.”

Read Mary’s letter of thanks to Todd and Taylor below; a great example of Carepassion at Crouse.

Dear Todd & Taylor,
You are the best! And you’ll never know the happiness you brought me on my 82nd birthday. It was the most wonderful day of my life. The two of you are very kind, thoughtful and always wanting to help. I just love the necklace and when I wear it, people admire it.
Thank you for taking care of me when I was on death’s door. COPD is a very scary illness and one panics when you can’t breathe. The two of you are lifesavers, and it is very calming just to see you come into my room.
Again, thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the years. You will always be very special to me. I love the both of you.

Laurie Clark is the Communications and Digital Media Manager at Crouse Health.

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