Managing Stress in Unprecedented Times

By: Crouse News

Stress Awareness Month - April 2021
As much of our nation moves toward resuming some degree of normalcy, stress will inevitably still be a factor each of us will continue to face.  The challenges we have experienced reinforce the need to consider how we think about managing stress to protect and promote our well-being.  Effective stress management has long been associated with improved relationships, optimal productivity and overall resilience.  Consider these strategies to assist with managing stress levels.

  • Set aside time for routine self-care practices.  Utilize Apps to learn mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing or other relaxation strategies that will also reduce blood pressure.
  • Step back to identify sources of stress.  Eliminate unnecessary routine stressful encounters or activities.
  • Establish realistic expectations for self and others.  Often stress can be caused or exacerbated by unrealistic expectations.  Consider importance of an issue and accept what you do and do not have control of and direct your intentions accordingly.
  • Ensure your basic needs are met.  Obtain adequate rest and nutrition.  Consider the following resource for effective sleep strategies:
  • Consider keeping a daily gratitude journal and see how it benefits your feelings over time.
  • Carve out routine weekly time that is just for you to do what makes your soul happy.
  • Engage in connectedness with individuals and activities that are meaningful.  We are likely to feel more fulfilled when we are directing our intentions to that which is most meaningful to us.

If you are interested in working with a Primary Care Provider to enhance your health, visit Crouse Medical Practice.

Thanks to Elizabeth McCarthy, NCC, LMHC, the Clinical Manager of HelpPeople EAP, and her staff for this time-tested tip to reduce stress.

Crouse News is reported by members of our Communications Team.

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