Crouse Health Foundation Presents The Margot Northrup Award to James A. Hughes

James Hughes

The Crouse Health Foundation is pleased to announce its 2016 Margot Northrup Award was presented to James Hughes, current member of the Crouse Hospital Board of Directors, this morning.

“For his 25 years of extraordinary service, and for his friendship, dedication and passion for Crouse, we gratefully present the 2016 Margot Northrup Award to Crouse Hospital Director James Hughes,” said Foundation President Carrie Berse.

“Jim has always gone above and beyond in his service to Crouse, looking to make community connections with an eye toward building relationships and securing financial support. He has served on both the Crouse Health Foundation and Crouse Hospital boards. Now, close to fifteen years later, it is fair to say that the Crouse organization and Crouse employees have benefitted greatly from his service, his expertise in finance, investments and pension plan administration, and his respect for the past and vision for the future.”

The award was named to honor the founding president of the Crouse Health Foundation, Margot Northrup. Established by a resolution of the Foundation Board of Trustees on Sept. 14, 2004, the award recognizes extraordinary service by selected board volunteers.

The honor is presented at a Crouse Health Foundation Board of Trustees meeting at the direction of the Chair and with input of staff. Northrup was a long-time hospital and Foundation board member. Her vision and commitment to the Crouse organization were inspirational, and the award is given to individuals whose service emulates her own.