Crouse Cardiac and Stroke Emergencies

By: Crouse News

brain and heart graphicYou’ve no doubt heard the phrase, “Take me to Crouse.” When it comes to stroke and heart issues, the doors of our Pomeroy Emergency Services Department are open around the clock, seven days a week, to serve the needs of our community.

If you or someone else are experiencing symptoms of either of these conditions, seek emergency medical attention immediately by calling 911.

The reason: Time is brain and time is heart.  Time can mean the difference between a good recovery or a poor outcome, including disability or even death.

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, as well as a major cause of permanent disability. The key to effective diagnosis and treatment is reducing the length of time between onset of symptoms and medical intervention.

Crouse is a dually accredited Comprehensive Stroke Center. We’re the only hospital in the region to have not one, but two hybrid OR suites dedicated to advanced stroke treatment. We are also just one in four hospitals in New York State to use a recently developed artificial intelligence software that aids our team in diagnosing stroke.

“In most hospitals, the CT scan process typically takes 30 to 60 minutes,” according to Crouse Neuroscience Institute Clinical Director Jameson Crumb, MSBMS, PA-C. “The A.I. software cuts that timeframe in half, allowing us to move our patient toward the best individualized treatment plan much quicker and in a more coordinated fashion.”

Heart Attack
According to the American Heart Association, someone in the United States has a heart attack approximately every 40 seconds. As with stroke, time is critical in the treatment of acute cardiac conditions.

Roughly one out of every four heart attack victims each year will have the most severe type of heart attack called ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). The quicker a patient with this type of heart attack has the completely blocked artery reopened, the better the chances are for survival and less permanent damage to the heart.

Crouse has earned national recognition for its consistently rapid treatment times. The national goal for median door-to-cardiac intervention is 90 minutes, while the Crouse cardiac team’s goal is less than 60 minutes.

“When it comes to stroke and cardiac treatment, the Crouse ER team is ready to act fast,” says David Mason, MD, medical director of the Pomeroy Emergency Services Department, the newest ER in the region. “We are at the ready to care for you.”

Crouse News is reported by members of our Communications Team.

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