Chris and Kali Fatti

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Parents: Chris and Kali Fatti
Hometown: Syracuse, NY

One year ago our sweet rainbow miracle baby, Aria, was born at 31 weeks gestation due to severe preeclampsia. This 2 lbs. 10 oz. little fighter spent the first 38 days of her life in the Baker Regional NICU at Crouse. In the corner of nursery A was where Aria learned to breathe, eat, maintain her temperature and grow. It’s where I first laid hands on her, where we eventually first held her and learned to change diapers, where she had her first bath and wore her first outfit. It’s hard to put into words our appreciation and love for those that helped us bring her home. We are eternally grateful as we fall more and more in love with this child every day. THANK U, CROUSE NICU!