Chea Williams

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Parents: Chea Williams
Hometown: Dewitt, NY

Che’Onna was born the day before Thanksgiving, on Nov. 26, 2014, nearly four months before her due date. She weight 1 ol., 13 oz.

A true little fighter from the start, the staff called her Miss Fiesty, and 115 days later Che’Onna was able to go home.

The staff was phenomenal! They were very knowledgeable and encouraging to me and my daughter. Thank you for all you have done!

On Thanksgiving Day this year, Che’Onna will be a year old and a whopping 18 lbs. Because of your care, my daughter has no medical issues or delays.

Many blessings to all the staff and angels around your new patients and their parents!

Thank you, Crouse NICU!