Meet the Latest Recipients of the Carepassion Awards

By: Crouse News

Each quarter, we honor the recipients of our Carepassion Awards, which are supported by the Paul Kronenberg, MD, Employee Recognition Fund of the Crouse Health Foundation. Recipients are nominated for being ‘defining examples of Carepassion.’

Join us in congratulating each of the most recent recipients!

Laura Symonds, RN
Intensive Care Unit
Laura Symonds, RN - ICU
My 92-yr-old father was recently in the ICU following a head injury. One night he suffered a bout of ‘sundowner’s’ and became delusional and afraid. He was quite literally in fear for his life. I was distraught and helpless, knowing he was alone and there was nothing I could do. He could have been disregarded, but Laura was an angel of mercy. During the night, she sat with him and held his hand with reassurances that he was safe, and that she was there watching over him so he could sleep. The kindness and compassion Laura demonstrated to an old man in need is a testament to her professionalism and personal character. My family is deeply appreciative and grateful she so generously cared for him when we couldn’t.
Submitted by Annie Agrasto

Mark Caccavale, RN, Nurse Manager, 4 Memorial; Peter Sinatra, NP, Palliative Care; Amanda Commisso, RN, 4 Memorial
Amanda Commisso, RN – 4 Memorial; Mark Caccavale, RN, Nurse Manager, 4 Memorial; Peter Sinatra, NP, Palliative Care

My father, age 94, was recently admitted to Crouse’s ICU. He was having difficulty breathing and was ultimately diagnosed with pneumonia. While he did not have COVID-19, the pandemic – with its forced isolation and associated restrictions on social and physical activity for elders – certainly played a significant role in my father’s life coming to an end. The ICU staff responsible for his treatment rendered care that was of the highest degree of professional skill and kindness.

My father was then moved to 4 Memorial. Nurse manager Mark Caccavale, in a sensitive and understandable way, explained the hospital’s COVID visitor policy, including potentially applicable exceptions. He made himself readily available by phone, and fully and knowledgeably answered questions put to him by my sister and me. As a direct result of Mr. Caccavale’s availability to speak with me, from my position as my father’s health care proxy, I was able to consult with all my siblings before making end-of-life decisions for our father.

Mr. Sinatra found the perfect balance as he spoke with me about the realities of my father’s medical situation and the emotional toll associated with pandemic-related separation from a dying family member. As a clinical psychologist, I am able to appreciate on a professional level the talent possessed by Mr. Sinatra. On a personal level, I will forever be grateful for his caring and concerned words.

Finally, I want to recognize the exceptional bedside care provided to my father as he died. RN Amanda Commisso ensured in a hands-on, caring way that during his final hours, my father was hearing tender, reassuring words from his nurse. Ms. Commisso was able to ensure my father’s oxygen-deprived body was medicated in a way that ended his agitation and pain. The compassion shown us by Amanda was a gift we will long remember.
Submitted by Elizabeth Critz Shockmel, RN, PsyD

Labor and Delivery Staff
Kienzle Family Maternity Center
labor and delivery staffThe nurses and staff members of labor and delivery recently cared for a patient admitted for complications during her pregnancy, which resulted in an unexpected preterm delivery. What makes this situation so special is the amount of compassion the staff has shown. The patient and her family recently lost their home and belongings to a house fire; their dog did not make it. The labor and delivery staff did not stop at just giving great bedside care. They all came together and raised over $900 for this patient and her family to help replace things they lost. One of the nurse’s daughters also hand-painted a beautiful ornament of their dog as a gift to the family. This group of nurses and staff give their all every day, and this is an example of how they truly invest in the health and happiness of the patients they care for on a daily basis. Crouse is lucky to have these people as part of the family. They truly live up to both Carepassion and the Crouse mission.
Submitted by OB Leadership

Crouse News is reported by members of our Communications Team.

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