Carepassion in Action: Carepassion Award Recipients

By: Crouse News

Each quarter, we honor the recipients of our Carepassion Awards, which are supported by the Paul Kronenberg, MD, Employee Recognition Fund of the Crouse Health Foundation. Recipients are nominated for being ‘defining examples of Carepassion.’

Join us in congratulating each of the most recent recipients!

Petronilla Krause
8 Irving – Labor and Delivery
Nilla is a HUC on 8 Irving. Not only does she help keep the floor running smoothly, but she is also such a giving person. We recently had a patient seen in triage and then discharged. This patient was having a very tough day and to top it off her purse broke and she was trying to keep her belongings in her broken bag. As she was standing at the desk waiting for a cab to be called, Nilla noticed her bag was broken and asked if she needed one. The patient graciously said yes. Without hesitation, Nilla emptied her own personal bag and handed it to the patient without blinking an eye. This single act of kindness was so selfless and she wasn’t asked to do it, but she did out of the goodness of her heart.
Submitted by Mary Bardou, 8 Irving

Heather Winne, RN
Witting Surgical Center
Heather embodies Carepassion. Her skills and ability to respond to any situation make her the best at what she does. A recent case was scheduled that required a delivery to be done in the main OR. Our equipment was brought down and Heather met us to ensure we had the space and supplies we needed. However, this delivery did not go as expected. Without hesitation, Heather took charge and jumped right in. The patient’s husband was overcome with emotion in the OR, and Heather and her staff quickly ensured he got to a waiting area. Aware of the urgency and need for our NICU staff, Heather waited at the OR doors and directed the team to our room, saving precious moments. Heather became part of our OB team that day; without her we may have had a very different outcome. Her ability to orchestrate three completely different teams of physicians and nurses in one room helped save the lives of two of Crouse’s most precious patients.
Submitted by the OR Team of the Kienzle Family Maternity Center

7 Memorial Nursing Staff
Social Work met with a patient who was despondent over the death of her boyfriend. The nursing staff put together a care package for the patient and gave her a soft blanket to hold. It was an extraordinary demonstration of kindness and compassion for someone experiencing deep grief. The nurses recognized that the patient did not have a lot of family support and took it upon themselves to reach out and let her know she is cared for. It is the essence of excellent care and compassion. They did an incredible act that will never be forgotten by this patient.
Submitted by Social Work staff

Kevin Stimson, MD
Pomeroy Emergency Services

Recently, my husband brought my mother-in-law to the VA to see her husband, and on their way to the hospital she became extremely confused and lethargic. Because she remained confused, I brought her to the Crouse ER. As nurses and techs entered and left the room, I was beyond impressed by a physician — Dr. Stimson — who took the time to listen to her and to observe that although at times she appeared to be lucid by answering questions appropriately, there was still something off with her. He showed care not only for her, but also for myself and my husband, recognizing we may be seeing something he was not. He listened as my husband explained that there was something “different” with her clinical presentation in the car. Beyond excellent clinical care, Dr. Stimson displayed empathy, compassion and concern for Geri. He sat down when he talked to her and he never rushed or interrupted her as she talked to him. I cannot thank him enough for the way he made our family feel during this recent healthcare experience.
Submitted by Amy Szczesniak, Education & Professional Development

Liberty Latzkowski
ICU Environmental Services

I had a very tearful and emotional patient today who was crying and sharing how scared she was. Liberty was in the room cleaning while the patient started crying and she took the time to stand by the patient, hold her hand and use great therapeutic communication in efforts to calm and provide comfort to the patient.
Submitted by Samantha McNitt, ICU

Crouse News is reported by members of our Communications Team.

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