Mental Well-being: Apps and Resources


The apps below, which have mental well-being components, may help you stay on track.  Search the Apple Store or Google Play for these different and other available apps.

Healthy Minds Program


Calm App
Free option
7 day free premium trial

Headspace App
Free option
7 day premium trial
$12.99/mo or $70/year

Peleton App
30 day free trial

Happy App Warm Line (Just talk to someone)
Recommended by American Nursing Association
First call is free
$12 per 30 minutes


Crouse SimplyWell Get-Moving
Crouse SimplyWell Wellness Programs
Physical activity can play a large role in managing stress and supporting your overall mental well-being.  These pages will help guide you to an activity you may enjoy, as well as access discounts for fitness, yoga and massage therapy.

P.A.C.E. Yourself: A Practice Honoring Healthcare Workers
Permission, Awareness/Anchor, Compassion (Self), Envision
Consider what would granting yourself permission look, sound and feel like?  Consciously granting yourself permission to care for yourself in this way sets an intention to do so.

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals
Eight very helpful strategies. For example: Strategy #2: HALT. Don’t let yourself get too Hungry, Angry/Anxious, Lonely, or Tired. See if you can remember to check in with this quick acronym every so often to keep your physical and mental functioning at peak capacity.

Can Anyone Improve Their Own Well-Being?
One of the main principles of trainability from a biological perspective is neuroplasticity….If we undertake a conscious training strategy, such as the examples set out in the framework, we’ll help activate specific brain regions and develop those areas of insight, purpose, awareness, and connection.

Dash Fact SheetIn today’s society, being busy is sometimes viewed as a badge of honor. Many of us measure our self-worth by the number of things we check off our to-do lists. The more we accomplish, the more value we offer to our work, families and friends.

Managing Stressors During Our Most Challenging Times
Life is surely a balancing act filled with hurdles and personal challenges, especially at this current time. Learning to adapt by being conscientious about changing your mental narrative when your mental well-being is at stake and regularly practicing healthy routines for stress management, contributes to work/life balance and ultimately personal growth.

Finding Calm Through Mindfulness
Read for techniques and tools for achieving a higher level of mindfulness, which research shows can increase happiness and reduce stress levels.

Enhance Your Sleep & Wellness
You may be experiencing co-occurring symptoms such as racing thoughts, feeling on edge, physical tension, distractibility and headaches. Inadequate sleep may weaken your immune system and it has been linked with increased heart disease, compromised immune system, memory impairment, risk for obesity, and increased risk for depression and anxiety. Read for strategies to help you manage your stress levels and improve your sleep.