Allen Triplets

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Allen triplets, then and nowElla, Emma and Elaina are Korena and Gary Allen’s triple miracles. The girls were born at Crouse Hospital via cesarean birth on April 30, 2013, at 25 weeks gestation. They were given a five percent survival rate, but beat all odds and fought hard to be the strong little three-year-olds they are today.

We really don’t know where we would be without the wonderful doctors and nurses at the Crouse’s NICU. You gave us a reason to keep fighting and believing because you believed in our girls. They may have been very small and did not have a promising survival rate at birth, but they each showed us all what it looks like to be a true micro-preemie fighter. Miracles do happen, and we have three to prove that!

Thank you again,
Korena, Gary, Ella, Emma and Elaina Allen

Korena wrote to us sharing each of her daughters’ battles and how they are doing now:

Ella AllenElla weighed 1lbs. 9ozs. at birth and spent three months in the Baker Regional NICU. She failed hearing tests six times couldn’t hear correctly until she was eight-months-old when she had her first set of ear tubes inserted. Ella had problems coming off oxygen, and came home with it and an apnea monitor. She didn’t finally come off oxygen until she was 16-months-old.

Ella is now a happy, smart, loud three-year-old. She loves to cuddle and be by her mommy’s side. She has had three sets of ear tubes inserted and had her adenoids removed. She is doing great and still receives physical and speech therapy. We hope she will start preschool this fall.

Emma AllenEmma weighed 1lbs. 8ozs. at birth and also spent three months in the NICU. After a month in the NICU she tested positive for MRSA and had to be isolated, away from her sisters, until she came home. She also had the most trouble coming off the ventilator. We honestly never thought she would make it home.

Emma is now a feisty, loud, bossy, loving three-year-old. In January 2016, Emma was diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech and Receptive-Expressive speech delay and now receives speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy and special education in a preschool program that she loves. She will continue to attend this school until Kindergarten.

Elaina AllenElaina weighed 1lbs. 7ozs. at birth and was the first to come home after three months in the NICU. She was the “easy one.” Many called her feisty. She ended up back in NICU at four months for ROP surgery and spent two days there until returning home.

Elaina is now a smart, loving, caring and happy three-year-old. She also still receives physical and speech therapy. We hope she also will start this fall.

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